Hello From San Diego! New to Chameleons.

Yes he is very stressed and has had a rough journey. I live in an apartment complex and here there are no branches but i'll go out in a bit and check anyway. I do have him up high when I have him in our bedroom but since I put him in the sun for a bit I had him on the floor... Don't worry guys, i'm trying my best. ;)

I know this looks ghetto and am sure a few of you want to slap me right now for taking on this responsibility but my intentions are good and I know i'll get it and have him happy in no time. Most of my babies have been adopted and rescued. Thanks again and keep the comments coming.
I am sure you will get it all worked out! He just looks so bummed sitting on the piece of driftwood, but atleast his colors are nice and he is not all dark. He really is a gorgeous guy!
Where in SD do you live? I can set you up with a few things to get you going. I have a large "reptarium" which is a plastic frame covered in a mesh screen I would give you, $20. I also may be able to help you out with the UVB lighting. PM me if you need some help amiga!
Ok, so here are a few up-dated pictures and he seems to be doing A LOT better. All I need is the light and real plant... :D You guys are AMAZING and helping my little guy out so much. Just to ease your worries, yes I do know about dusting his food with D3 powder and do know about gut loading his food with lots of greens 1 or 2 days prior to feeding, I do this for my Geckos and Toads. To make up for the lack of the UVB lighting I had him in the sun all morning and then took him in and set him in front of the screen door the rest of the day (got too hot). I put up his "drip system" and he has been drinking LOTS of water. Sprayed him twice today and am about to do his third misting. I found a few extra fake foliage and a vine and set it up so that he has somewhere to hide if he chooses to and also put the vine up high enough so that he can get to his basking light and warm up. I tied the vine down with some string to the mesh so that it is nice and steady. Let me see... Am I missing anything?:confused: Oh, and I have the dishes at the bottom to catch the excess dripping water.


excellent. I thought you were trying to water him with the bowl from the earlier post!! Glad you are getting things running and you know about the supplements. Although..dusting with D3 is not recommended regularly, dusting Calcium w/o D3 is what you really need.
Just be aware that when you change his set up again it will probably upset him. I would make sure you have all your plans (new plant, places to climb) all figured out before you put more things in his cage because he might need another few vines in the upper portion of the cage after you add a plant. They love climbing up. Keep the guy hydrated, they love their water!
He's been loose for an unknown number of days (possibly quite a few because he looks skinny) outside in San Diego. I'm sure his blood D3 levels will be fine for a few days until you get lighting.
Lol! No, my Geckos don't drink from water dishes either so I mist them every night so that they get their share of hydration. I wasn't planning on changing the set-up anymore except for adding the plant for the humidity but if I really need to add more vines I will. I will be sure to pick some vitamin dust without D3 for him when I got get the gang some roaches. Thank you!
I am in Chula Vista, I emailed you this morning on the Large Cage, let me know if you need anything else..
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