hello my late night dwellers :P


Established Member

heyhey i was wondering if you could critique my cage set up please?
i still have a long way to go, have to install my mistaking,perhaps more plants and of course get my little baby boy :rolleyes:
anyways critique away!
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<script src='http://img829.imageshack.us/shareable/?i=cage2n.jpg&p=tl' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript> </noscript>

Now would my basking light be Ok like this? I have a clamp lamp and (its probably user error XD) but i can't figure out what people clamp theres on to, so it would be over the cage??:confused:
<script src='http://img521.imageshack.us/shareable/?i=cage3a.jpg&p=tl' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript> </noscript>

Thanks! :)

heyhey i was wondering if you could critique my cage set up please?
i still have a long way to go, have to install my mistaking,perhaps more plants and of course get my little baby boy :rolleyes:
anyways critique away!
<script src='http://img209.imageshack.us/shareable/?i=cage1.jpg&p=tl' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript> </noscript>

<script src='http://img829.imageshack.us/shareable/?i=cage2n.jpg&p=tl' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript> </noscript>

Now would my basking light be Ok like this? I have a clamp lamp and (its probably user error XD) but i can't figure out what people clamp theres on to, so it would be over the cage??:confused:
<script src='http://img521.imageshack.us/shareable/?i=cage3a.jpg&p=tl' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript> </noscript>

Thanks! :)

one thought is suspending from above but how u have it is fine as long as u got it high up if you could suspend it though it may help you get the best baskig zones. one thought your plnt will grow quick under the uvbso that plant may get to big to use since itss a tight fit now. next thought is it may be to big for baby whts the deminsions? small chams may have a harder time finding food. other then that great job
one thought is suspending from above but how u have it is fine as long as u got it high up if you could suspend it though it may help you get the best baskig zones. one thought your plnt will grow quick under the uvbso that plant may get to big to use since itss a tight fit now. next thought is it may be to big for baby whts the deminsions? small chams may have a harder time finding food. other then that great job

thats a good idea
Yes I'm planning to cup feed him for the majority of his diet, when I'm around I'm going to let a few in, make sure he gets em and then take the left over ones out, I'm hoping that should work
Hello! Looks great to start off! A couple of things you need to do though. Great work weaving your fake vines, looks really good and it reaches most levels (temperature wise). I would add a little more foliage though. If you go to a local hobby lobby or store of that sort, you can usually get loooooots of cheap fake fines that are absolutely covered in fake leaves. I would recommend getting 8 feet or so of it and cutting it up and weave it throughout the cage. It will fill out your cage more than you would think and it gives a lot more hiding that a bare vine, my cham loves it. With your UVB bulb, you're gonna want to put in going across the top of the cage from a corner to corner so it gets to everything in the cage no matter where your cham is. Finally, you're not going to want to leave your basking lamp there, its very unnatural for your chams. Probably not so good for the eyes I would imagine too. For a cage this size, you really dont even need to clamp it on anything. I just have mine placed on top of my cage sitting on the mesh. Just make sure he has something like a vine to be able to sit under it. Lookin good though, good luck!
I pretty much agree with everyone else. I would throw the largest shefflera you can get in there along with the palm.
Definitely take the clamp off the basking lamp, and just throw it on top of the cage.
Whats the deminsions of that cage?

These two examples are your best bet for lighting set up.
Both will create a heated are with uvb, and a cool area with uvb.;)

I pretty much agree with everyone else. I would throw the largest shefflera you can get in there along with the palm.
Definitely take the clamp off the basking lamp, and just throw it on top of the cage.
Whats the deminsions of that cage?

These two examples are your best bet for lighting set up.
Both will create a heated are with uvb, and a cool area with uvb.;)
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View attachment 49296

its 2x2x4
lol i like the drawings XD
a blue barred ambilobe
at least hopefully soon tho, :mad: i already dropped about 500$ and the folks are making me wait till i have every single penny for the cham and anything else he needs XD ah what fun not being able to have a job yet
Great! You will love him!
Its for the best though, waiting I mean.
They are quite a handful:eek: Yet equally rewarding.:D
Its always fun building character;)
What region/part of TX are you in?
haha yes, so I've heard :roll eyes:
over in the dfw/dallas ish area

so whats your opinion on camelot chameleons? I think I'm going to get a baby sired by circle side for 2 reasons
-Cheapest at least from what I've seen
- and cuz he's adorable :D
Circle Side is quite good looking. But make sure you don't get him just cause he is the cheapest. With this hobby, you're dropping $700ish dollars....might as well splurge the little bit extra on the guy that you absolutely love
thats true..although if i did just happen to have 500$ sitting around i'd probably go for a hold back from crazy heart over with the kammers
one can dream right :rolleyes:
Again, what Toph00 said/\
I havnt heard anything but good things about chamalot.
Definitely dont "skimp" on the animal. I looked for a breeder I thought legitimetly cared about the animals, and who took good care of them.
Looks plays into it obviously, but the main thing is having a good quality healthy animal.
My BB ambilobe, Donahue, is sired by Franklin, at epic chameleons.
Curt is a great guy, and takes care of his animals.
Looks like some of Donahue's siblings are still up for grabs. I was in Amarillo, TX area when I got Donahue, but Im in NC now:D
Thanks for the advice guys but i bid you crazy fellows good night, its lateee and i need sleep, and so should you :D

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