Hi, I'm thinking about getting a chameleon when I have finished college, an animal based one. That will be in 2016 but I want to be ready! I have loved herps since I was about 8 and I have always been reading about them but I have found my two true loves, tree frogs and chameleons. My first question is, when is it a good time to get a chameleon? In all books, websites and forums it says chameleons are not beginner reptiles. So when can I call my self experienced? I have read just about every book on the subject and gone to talks on them and handled them. I'm just scared I think myself experienced and then end up hurting the poor creature. My course is practical meaning I work with many reptiles every week but unfortunately no chameleons. I will be specialising next year before I even get my jewel so will I be experienced enough? Should I get a beardie (which I love but not adore like chameleons and tree frogs) before going to the deep end? Its just beardies have a very different environment to most chameleons. Okay that was way more than one question but I need to know because I do not wish to harm these wonderful creatures! Thank you and sorry for such a long message.