

New Member
Hi, I'm from Russia, St. Petersburg. Your resource is close to me, I keep Chamaeleo chamaeleon. I'll be glad to read your forum and meet people. Sorry for the language skills.



Thank you for your kind words, my very interested in information on Chamaeleo Chamaeleon. In Russian there is no network of such information. We have to take risks. There are no good food, no quality equipment. If there is, is very expensive. Good food at home grow-There is a small colony of Acheta domestitsus and Blaptica dubiya. I will be grateful for the links on this chameleon, preferably from landlords.

Thank you for understanding my English.
You're cham is beautiful and your English is awesome, I do admire people that can speak a different language....you will learn a lot on these boards, just ask, there all some awesome people on here that are glad to help..welcome to the forum!

I love the photos! I hope to see others as you become more involved with the forum!

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