New Member
Picked up my first chameleon this weekend. I did a lot of research a few months ago and had decided at the time, after purchasing the cage, drip system and such, that it just wasn't the right time.
We picked him up Saturday morning from a local breeder. He just happened to shed later that day, quite cool. He's eaten and pooped and seems very healthy. The only thing that concerns me is his size, he's very small.
Here's a pic showing size. This was taken right before putting him into his new home.
Quick photo shoot after he finished shedding, he's being left alone now for a week or so.
I also have a lot of other reptiles if anyone is interested in other pics. I have a Peruvian Red Tail Boa, Ball Python, Brazilian Rainbow Boa (also picked up this past weekend), two Bearded Dragons and two Leopard Geckos.
We picked him up Saturday morning from a local breeder. He just happened to shed later that day, quite cool. He's eaten and pooped and seems very healthy. The only thing that concerns me is his size, he's very small.
Here's a pic showing size. This was taken right before putting him into his new home.
Quick photo shoot after he finished shedding, he's being left alone now for a week or so.
I also have a lot of other reptiles if anyone is interested in other pics. I have a Peruvian Red Tail Boa, Ball Python, Brazilian Rainbow Boa (also picked up this past weekend), two Bearded Dragons and two Leopard Geckos.