

New Member
Picked up my first chameleon this weekend. I did a lot of research a few months ago and had decided at the time, after purchasing the cage, drip system and such, that it just wasn't the right time.

We picked him up Saturday morning from a local breeder. He just happened to shed later that day, quite cool. He's eaten and pooped and seems very healthy. The only thing that concerns me is his size, he's very small.

Here's a pic showing size. This was taken right before putting him into his new home.

Quick photo shoot after he finished shedding, he's being left alone now for a week or so.




I also have a lot of other reptiles if anyone is interested in other pics. I have a Peruvian Red Tail Boa, Ball Python, Brazilian Rainbow Boa (also picked up this past weekend), two Bearded Dragons and two Leopard Geckos.
Welcome to the world of chameleons!

He is quite small! If you fill out the questiionaire here we can tell you if anything needs to be changed....
Its important to make sure that the husbandry is right!

Here are some good sites to read also...
Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - Veiled, Male, Not quite sure how old and I have had him three days now.
* Handling - 5 minutes a day so far (excluding today), but I was thinking about not handling him for a week or so. That's the general rule for snakes and other lizards.
* Feeding - I breed my own mealworms and superworms. They are gut loaded. I plan on getting some pin head crickets today. I'll let those gut load for a day before I feed.
* Supplements - Don't know the brand off hand, but I have Calcium with and without D3
* Watering - Spray bottle in morning and evening. I have a dripper hooked up also. I have not seen him drink. I do not spray him, just get the vines and cage wet.
* Fecal Description - Looks healthy to me. Light brown poo, white urate. He pooped Saturday when we got him home and Sunday.
* History - Just got him Saturday from a breeder. He shed Saturday when we got him home.

Cage Info:

* Cage Type - 38 gallon screen cage on it's side since he's so small.
* Lighting - Repti-Sun 5.0 UVB from 6:30 AM to 8:30 PM and 60 watt revel house bulb with same schedule. My reptile room stays upper 70s at night so the breeder said taht would be OK.
* Temperature - I took readings yesterday, 90 at the hot spot down to 77. I have a temp gun and an accurite for temp and humidity.
* Humidity - Room stays at 45%, his cage spikes when I mist. Can't say what it generally is all the time though, has not been long enough.
* Plants - Just fake ones right now
* Placement - Cage is in the reptile room. The room has a heater on the floor making sure the room is upper 70's to 80 F. Cage is currently on a small bookshelf and probably the top of the cage is 4.5' off the ground.
* Location - South Eastern US, Georgia.

Current Problem - Currently I don't have any issues or questions. Let me know if you see what needs to be changed.
Too hot for a young baby. I'd say he's not more than 2 months old if that. Keep his hot spot at 80 and I'd also add a live plant.

You will also want to dust a couple times a month with Rep Cal Herptivite.
I was talking to someone else and they suggested hibiscus and pothos, does that sound OK? I can go pick them up after work. I'll be getting the Herptivite when I make my next order with Pro Geckos next week.

Thanks for the tips, greatly appreciated.
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