

New Member
Hey there,

im Colin from germany. Found this forum only just two days ago. As english is a foreign language to me,please be gentl with any obvious mistakes you spot :)..Im keeping and breeding chams for over ten years now. Already was succesfull with C.hoehnelli,C.calyptratus,panthers and loads of geckos.Right now im keeping some breeding groups of panther morphs (Diego suarez,Ambanja blue,Nosy be,Ambato-panther and sirama-Ambilobe),also Brookesia supercilliares and R.brevicaudatus. If you like, I will post some pics (BTW,dont forget im 8 hours in front of your local time).As people over here are very interressted in keeping the several morphs "pure"(so no colour mixes) I would like to know how you guys handle this.What are the most kept panther morphs in the states? Hope someone will answer,bye
Welcome to the forum! Your English is very good for being your second language! What part of Germany are you from?
Thanx. @Julirs Im coming from westgermany,right next to the Dutch and Belgium borders.So im not that far away from the Hamm reptile show,the world largest reptile show,as Ive been told.There always seem to be a lot of snake breeders from the states here,never seen a cham breeder though..
Ambilobe and Nosy be are kept a lot over here.The last bigthing were the blue diamonds(special Ambanja,orig. from Ambato),the Ankaramys and of course the Mitsios...Next to that there are a lot of Diegos,Maroansetra and the several Ambanja morphs.Ankifys and Ankarena are just coming.BTW,havent seen a Furcifer lateralis on this forum yet,arent they very popular over there:confused:
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Welcome Colin!

Welcome to the group Colin! Don't worry about the time differences. Lots of people from the UK and elsewhere in this group. The time thing all works out. There seems to be people on this site 24/7. You have a very nice collection of panthers! You have some things that are more difficult to come by here in the USA. Your English is excellent to by the way. I'm sure you will enjoy the Hamm show. What kind of geckos do you keep? I just got into crested geckos. Six babies arrived a few hours ago. I got them from Kimberly of Gorgeous Geckos.com. She will be at the Hamm show too as a vendor. The babies I got from her are stunning. Check out her booth if you get a chance. Please do post pictures of your chameleons when you get a chance. You will find that we all love to look at each other's photos :)
Ok,i will post some pics after figuring out the photobucket thing..
For the geckos I have to say that crested geckos were never available round here. I always wanted them though. Ive been keeping all sorts of Phelsuma geckos(P.lineata,P.laticauda,P.quadriocelata,P.madagascariensis).They are just as loveable as chams,real beautys. Im not keeping them anymore cause im getting everything ready for keeping parsonii's next spring,I always wanted to work with these. The whole cham thing grew very fast in the past years and space is really getting a problem-I need MORE ! :D
Welcome Colin........ Nosy Be, Ambilobe, Ambanja are the 3 top morph right now. However, there is a trend in having Ankaramy and Nosy Mitsio too. There are several huge chameleon breeder in the state, my favourite is FLChams, they have a wide variety of chameleon up for sale all the time. 8 hours time different is nothing to us. Most of us either don't sleep or wake up bright and early. :D

Hope to see some nice picture of your chameleons
Parsonii :)

Parsonii coming next Spring! Lucky lucky Colin. I don't have any but you will find several other avid keepers of those here. Looking forward to seeing pictures of any chams you have :)
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