New Member
Hey there,
im Colin from germany. Found this forum only just two days ago. As english is a foreign language to me,please be gentl with any obvious mistakes you spot ..Im keeping and breeding chams for over ten years now. Already was succesfull with C.hoehnelli,C.calyptratus,panthers and loads of geckos.Right now im keeping some breeding groups of panther morphs (Diego suarez,Ambanja blue,Nosy be,Ambato-panther and sirama-Ambilobe),also Brookesia supercilliares and R.brevicaudatus. If you like, I will post some pics (BTW,dont forget im 8 hours in front of your local time).As people over here are very interressted in keeping the several morphs "pure"(so no colour mixes) I would like to know how you guys handle this.What are the most kept panther morphs in the states? Hope someone will answer,bye
im Colin from germany. Found this forum only just two days ago. As english is a foreign language to me,please be gentl with any obvious mistakes you spot ..Im keeping and breeding chams for over ten years now. Already was succesfull with C.hoehnelli,C.calyptratus,panthers and loads of geckos.Right now im keeping some breeding groups of panther morphs (Diego suarez,Ambanja blue,Nosy be,Ambato-panther and sirama-Ambilobe),also Brookesia supercilliares and R.brevicaudatus. If you like, I will post some pics (BTW,dont forget im 8 hours in front of your local time).As people over here are very interressted in keeping the several morphs "pure"(so no colour mixes) I would like to know how you guys handle this.What are the most kept panther morphs in the states? Hope someone will answer,bye