Help!!! Babies everywhere!!!


New Member
So I get home and my female Jackson had atleast 20 babies I have no clue how this happened? So what do I do to keep them safe I wanna take care of them I'm so freaking out now and please help!!!
Most would separate them from the momma just to keep an eye and make sure they dont get hurt. Better get some food line up real quick. Enjoy :D
Wow talk about a surprise! Seperate them from the mom, I'd suggest cheaply to get large food containers and put them in groups, could put some branches that are clean in there until you find out what to do with them, you can feed them pinhead crickets and fruit flies... congrats on the spontaneous birth.
seperate them

keep them in a decent size plastic bin, with some sticks and maybe fake vines/leaves

should mist them alittle for hydration

and get some pinhead crix and fruit flies asap

you should also have another uvb bulb for them

as far as a basking light, the temp should be in the low 80's

seperate them

keep them in a decent size plastic bin, with some sticks and maybe fake vines/leaves

should mist them alittle for hydration

and get some pinhead crix and fruit flies asap

you should also have another uvb bulb for them

as far as a basking light, the temp should be in the low 80's


Ace, shouldn't jacksons have lower temps? if the adults basking temps dont get above 90, shouldn't the babies be in the 70's??

i've never taken care of them..i just want to know
Ace, shouldn't jacksons have lower temps? if the adults basking temps dont get above 90, shouldn't the babies be in the 70's??

i've never taken care of them..i just want to know

well i prefer still giving a basking spot 78-82 tops

BUT everwhere else should be 70-75

to me as long as they arer well watered and have food and are eating they should be fine
So I got all my stuff from the pet store and is now returning home to get this krayzieness taken care of... So how the heck are they given birth by eggs or live birth?
Good luck and congrats!

A deep breathe would help calming you down :p

Everyone kinda gave you what you need, just relax and make sure they are all out and safe.

Also, pictures? Pleaaaaaase? :D
Jacksons give live birth, so food is gonna go quick with that many little ones, better have a bunch fruit fly colonies going, and pinheads should be ordered in a batch of 1000, that many babies plus die off of pinheads and you will go through them quicker than you think. Larger rubbermaid totes will allow you to get your temps right & they are easy to clean too.
You might also want to get some silkworms ordered too, I'm not sure what you can get shipped into Alaska, but bulk order - it'll be cheaper in the long run
I'm gonna leave them in the cage and move the mom to a new home same setup is that's hood idea? I figured since the mom was comfortable enough to have the babies in her cage then it should be good for the babies right?
I'm gonna leave them in the cage and move the mom to a new home same setup is that's hood idea? I figured since the mom was comfortable enough to have the babies in her cage then it should be good for the babies right?

much easier to care for them equally when divided up then caring for 20 running through mommas cage Id think

Yes 5.0 good source of uvb

heres some info on Jacksons. Not my articles. Just figured you could use some good info
As far as I know, and I'm not saying from personal experience but from what I have read and heard... and from knowing what I know from even humans having kids and such, it isn't really a good idea to move someone under a great ammount of stress and physical weakness (such as a mother who just gave birth) into somewhere new that they have to get used to... idk but what I have found out time after time with moving terrariums around and such, they do have a sense of where everything is and can get stressed with even the smallest change.
Whether you decide to keep the Mom in her cage and move the babies or to move the Mom and keep the babies in her cage, you need to do it now or you will almost certainly have less babies to worry about.
Yeah, I don't see a ginormous problem with moving the mom. The ticket is to separate the Mom from the babies asap. Hopefully you did that. Please let us know how things are going. Also, if things are going well, pictures of babies are just about the best thing ever so please post some!
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