Help - Calcium Deficiency


New Member
I found out about a month or two ago that my chameleon has Calcium Deficiency, So i went to the nearest reptile shop and got a new UV light, some more calcium efficient supplement, And some calcium supplement for my water. But when I went to the reptile shop the other day, I got a pure Calcium supplement and have been using that.
I was just wondering if there is anything else i could do to help my chameleon get better quicker as I don't want her to get hurt.
Thank you,
I think a vet could give her an injection for a quick fix of calcium

Keep up the calcium suppliments, dont rush... as long as she isnt getting worse!
You seem to be doing everything right for your little girls health now.
I think a vet could give her an injection for a quick fix of calcium

Keep up the calcium suppliments, dont rush... as long as she isnt getting worse!
You seem to be doing everything right for your little girls health now.

Okay, Thanks, :)
How did you find out she had MBD?
If it was through a vet surely they would have offered some treatment back then.

Have a search around your local vets and find out who has good rep knowledge, experience with Chams would be good too... and then take her there for a check up. They'll offer the calcium jab i would imagine.

Has she gotten any better since you changed the bulb and changed her suppliments?

How old is she?
She is about 20 months old. She has gotten better I think as she climbs more because she stopped before, My mum is going to ring up the vet that is just around the corner and hopefully get booked in if they do reptiles otherwise i will talk to the reptile shop that is near my school.
Thans :)
Can you post some pictures of her please?

Has she ever laid eggs?
What specific supplements did you use before this happened and how often for each?

Did the UVB pass through glass or plastic?

Does she have staight arms? Legs? Hold her body up off the branches?
Have a place to dig in case she needs to lay eggs in her cage? Has she ever laid eggs?
Can you post some pictures of her please?

Has she ever laid eggs?
What specific supplements did you use before this happened and how often for each?

Did the UVB pass through glass or plastic?

Does she have staight arms? Legs? Hold her body up off the branches?
Have a place to dig in case she needs to lay eggs in her cage? Has she ever laid eggs?

No, she has never laid eggs, i used chameleon dust by T - rex, every week on a load of Locusts, and sometimes waxworms or meal worms.
No she cant hold her self up that well when she is climbing, but before she kept falling off, that is how i came to know that she had calcium deficiency.
I do have a box for her to lay eggs in her cage, but it is not in there at the moment.

Edit : In answer to the UVB question it was an exo terra Strip.
Do you have a recent picture of her and the set up?

The last snap you posted she looked much younger then a year old. Does she have her adult colours now?
Do you have a recent picture of her and the set up?

The last snap you posted she looked much younger then a year old. Does she have her adult colours now?

I took a picture 5 mins ago, but Note She went darker cause i took her out of her vivarium, cause i couldn't get a good shot.

She needs a vet, that is terrible! Unfortunately the damage is done and you can't fix her, only stop it from progressing.
Ok, she has her adult colours

I agree, a vet visit is needed mate. Did your mum have any luck phoning the vet today?
It because she has pretty much grown into her adult size, there wont be much extra bone growth i imagine.
Once MBD has set in, it has to be caught early and treated and proper care given to ensure it doesnt get worse.

Unfortunatly the shop you got her from didnt give you the correct information to ensure that her bones grew well. The key is research research research, and ask lots of questions in places like this.

Please have your mum phone the vets tomorrow, she really is in a bad shape.
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