Help can't find cham!!!


New Member
I rearranged ninjas cage yesterday and I put a big pothos in, and now I can't find her. Any suggestions on how I can find her? I'm on my iPod so I can't upload a pic but I will when I'm on the computer.
I rearranged ninjas cage yesterday and I put a big pothos in, and now I can't find her. Any suggestions on how I can find her? I'm on my iPod so I can't upload a pic but I will when I'm on the computer.

You mean you lost her, or you can't find her in her cage?
I rearranged ninjas cage yesterday and I put a big pothos in, and now I can't find her. Any suggestions on how I can find her? I'm on my iPod so I can't upload a pic but I will when I'm on the computer.

ha this happened to me before. I freaked out! The bug trick works really good, mine came right out. I know where she is when I can't find her now...right in my pothos.
That happens to me all the time. I keep telling myself a happy chameleon is one who's completely hidden from the big pink monkey who's staring right at him.....

If you're totally at a loss again, try misting the cage. Sometimes the "water dance of death" gives them away. ("I'm melting!!! I'm melting!!!")
Next time I can't find her, I'll try the bugs. I'll probably loose her in the pothos again soon because it is gigantic,it takes up the whole cage and I have the biggest one you can get (not sure on dimentions)
I can never find my babies in their 18 x 24'' cage unless they choose to be seen.
They are too small, and can easily hide behind a medium sized leaf!!
When they are that little, they dont take any chances, they stay put until they feel completely comfortible to move around.
That is more likely to happen when "the big pink monkey" isnt watching :D ;)
I have 2 transvaal that are still tiny. I can stand if front of their cages for 20 minutes and never find them. Each has very will planted 18 x 18 x 36. They will come up to bask. but they do it at different times. I may or may not see them in the day, but they glow at night.:)
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