help for a broken female

Guyz, for thoses who are still folowing us, here is today's news :
i am afraid she is totaly broken, she tried to walked, but she cant even make a step.
we cant open her mouth to feed her , she gained to much strenght on her mouth and we cant open her with the stick as we did, and i honestly cant press her mouth like u show me on the picture, i am afraid to break her head.
and also, she still has "old skin" on her eyes and i tk she is like blind :/
she doesnt drink on her own, we cant give her drink, and yesterday we gave her some kind of insect, and i just saw that she still have a part of that insect on her mouth....

Hector (the name we gave her) (because "Hector le trésor" is in real bad shape :/
Poor little thing. She may be badly injured on the inside. She may not survive. You gave done a very good thing to keep her comfortable.
Hey everyone,

Hector is dead this morning :/
i think i just saved her for a couple of day anyway, she was to broken to survive when i found her...

thanks a lot for your help and carrying

take care of your nice and cute chameleon

thanks again :*
It's likely a good thing that she is gone. If she didn't improve with your help she was likely too sick or injured to survive and you wouldn't want to prolong her suffering. It was good of you to try so hard. RIP Hector.
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