Again, thank you so much! As for plant names, we are opposites on that one, lol! My daughter is like you and knows them all by their correct botanical names and I’m like, “which one??”Continuing on….
From what information as can find with a quick search of the archives, gardenia blooms are toxic. I don’t know about the leaves, but I would suggest erring on the side of caution and remove it. I didn’t even realize it but a couple of my chams have Hawaiian Ti in their enclosures. My male veiled doesn’t eat his plants much and I don’t see any bites on his. …and I’m also using the Chinese Evergreen with my panther.Guess I really need to learn the common plant names - I know them by their complicated and impossible to pronounce names.
Plant lights - I have the Sansi 70w above each of my enclosures. I was lacking one 70w for one, so I have a Sansi 36w over it instead. I’ve been using these for about 2 1/2 years now and the only issue I’ve found is it’s the brightest light and my chams try to bask under them. I have the lights hung now so I can place their basking and uvb lights over where they prefer to bask. I’ve found that the 70w is strong enough to keep hibiscus alive and thriving (as long as the plant is tall). As for color spectrums and all that, I’m completely incapable of wrapping my head around that stuff. I do know that there have been several posts about it that you can search the forum for. @nightanole knows about lights, color spectrums and all that and maybe he can answer your questions.