HELP!!! Hes pitch black!


New Member
So Kaleo was fine this morning but he was in his cage just now pitch black but his face it looked like he burned himself it looks bad he's not cold I'm so worried I've been holding him for 15 minutes he seems to be changing normal but never have I ever seen him this color if hes unhappy he turns brown he's turned black but not this dark its scary! He seems to be greening now but I'm still so worried what hsppemed? he's fine now

This is him now
I.dont think its that cuz his turrets turn black when he's unhappy his face was fine it was as bright as usual but his body was...pitch black. Scared the h outta me
Here's a random thought- are you wearing bright clothes? I dyed my hair pink and it scared the hell out of my cham. Or is there something new in the room that he might have been looking at? They scare at really random things sometimes. I'm not particulary experienced though.
Sometimes if he's not let out enough he turns dark he loves to crawl on me and when I held him he cooled off so maybe he didnt get as much attention as he wanted?
No nothing new but I painted my nails like bees and he stayed away from them he was legitimately afraid of them and my tortoise he turns yellow and backs up when he sees him.
No nothing new but I painted my nails like bees and he stayed away from them he was legitimately afraid of them and my tortoise he turns yellow and backs up when he sees him.

lol I've seen a few posts where chams have been scared of nail decoration. Keep an eye on him, but fingers crossed, he just got himself in strop & nothing more serious
Is there anything in his cage that needs cleaned up? He's a gorgeous lookin panther, he looks almost identical to mine. Twin chams would be sweet!!!!
Was he maybe under the basking light trying to get warm? They often darken up when they are trying to get warm. Interpreting chameleon colors is a lot like interpreting a Hawaiian saying "Aloha"....context is everything.

What are the temps in your cage?
Aww thank you :) and I cleanup whatever is there. Temps basking is like 83+ on the bottom its like 65-70 there's one spot he sits on a lot in the middle of the cage.
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