help i think my cham is sick

hasnt pooped in a couple days
we ahve tryed the dripper and it leaked all over the place on the slowest drip and it freaked her out she is on 5 week crickets
we had a tub full of dirt before and she never touched it at all so we took it out
The lil swirly bulb is a compact. These are generally regarded as not good since they seem to cause eye problems. Straight UV tubes are recommended.
This is not an issue thats related to your chams problem at the moment and please folk, overloading her with info thats not directly related will simply confuse her more!
Lets stick to the main issue for now. If Tal fills out the questionair you can all harp at her about what shes doing wrong later!
follow this supplement schedule:
repcal W/ d3 once a month
repcal W/O d3 4-5 times a week
Herptivite twice a month

Edit: i would really like a pic plz!
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Tal, you do need to make some changes to your cage setup but for now, I really beleive your cham is bunged up, needs to poo badly. 2 things will assist, ensure correct basking temp, and misting to encourage hydration.

Incidently the cricket should be no larger than the gap between her eyes. too large will block her up if she munches alot of them.

I think i'll step out of this thread now. Best wishes for you and your cham Tal. :)
ok here i dont know how good they are


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i was just reading thought this and i dont want to get into somthing i really dont know yet.
but personly i think your tank is to small and dosent have alot of things for her to climb on
ok here i dont know how good they are

remove substrate, remove water dish, remove UVB bulb, buy bigger cage, follow my supplementin schedule, make an egg bin, buy live plant, add more climbing spots, if thats a cave that i can see take it out, mist 3_5 times a day, buy a dripper, possibly schedule aa vet visit, if thats a heat rock-then take it out now, remove night lamp, read kitty blog until your brain randomly shoots out of your ear because its overloading, get surgery from this random brain incedent, put in wayyy more foliage,
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i bought a new one that hanges its like 4 feet high and round but i havent figured out how to put the lights yet
no cave no heat rock have a dripper had plants but they die making egg bin right now i have a water fall can i put that in i have more fake trees put those in too i mist every morning and lunch and there is no rep vet here
It looks like reptile carpet to me. Yeah, remove the water dish, add a dripper. Take out that compact bulb, you're killer the poor thing's eyes! Replace it with a 5.0 ReptiSun TUBE. Agreed with Cham, you need an egg bin and a live plant with more asking spots. We can't say this enough!
no cave no heat rock have a dripper had plants but they die making egg bin right now i have a water fall can i put that in i have more fake trees put those in too i mist every morning and lunch and there is no rep vet here

no waterfall
thee is a herp vet... read the post that someone else wrote
Talica, please get pictures of your new setup, pictures of your old setup don't help us, and makes it sound like you are lying..
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