Help! I'm addicted to reading the Health Clinic Forum!!


New Member
Okay, so not really an emergency, but I was curious if anyone else finds themselves looking at one forum section more than another. For me, it's the Health Forums... Being a new cham mom this is the WORST most possible place for me to venture. Seeing pictures, reading things that can go wrong, sad sad sad stories, it's heartbreaking yet extremely addicting. I've learned about MBD and eye infections, prolapses, shedding issues, sleeping disorders, dehydration and signs to look for, and chams being malnourished. These are helpful things to know and I probably know more than I should. I am not helpful with posting there but I do find it fascinating to read. *lol*

Just curious.
It's like going onto WebMD when you have a pain in your side. After a few clicks you'll diagnose yourself with something terminal and then it will turn out to be the dried prunes you ate earlier in the day!
It's like going onto WebMD when you have a pain in your side. After a few clicks you'll diagnose yourself with something terminal and then it will turn out to be the dried prunes you ate earlier in the day!

LMAO! That is so true!! I don't even want to write about my WebMD experience, but I can say that it played out almost exactly how you wrote it!
LOL.... I too am addicted to the health clinic forum. I have asked some pretty silly questions too. One day I was looking at Rebel in his enclosure and I asked my daughter, who is home from college for the summer, if his ankle looked funny. I started panicking saying stuff like "it looks swollen, I hope he isn't getting gout" and OMG, I think something is wrong with his ankle". My daughter shook her head and said "mom, your seeing things. Nothing is wrong with Rebels ankles, stop being paranoid." I stay away from WebMD. LOL I want to sleep at night....:rolleyes:
Here, here!

Don't get me wrong - The health forum is such an AMAZING resource; I would be totally lost without the great information and helpful people... But I have become a major chameleon hypochondriac (Hypochamdriac?)!

He has a lazy day and I'm freaking about parasites; one gurgle and it's URI; skip a meal - omg I'm over supplementing! I've read all the posts so many times, I can navigate by the "similar topics" at the bottom :D

Seriously though, this forum is the best. I couldn't have jumped in at the absolute bottom and offered anywhere near this level of care without CF.
I mostly look at the chameleon food section. I am pretty much obsessed with insects and am mainly interested in nutrition and feeders.
I think you should learn as much as you can about health problems that chameleons have because they have tons of them. You want to recognize the first signs of something wrong so you can get them to the vets right away. Chameleons are excellent at masking their illness and it can be too late by the time they act sick. I would also recommend you find a really good reptile vet now before you need one and get your Cham a check up and fecal and build a relationship with your vet. You want to make sure this is the person you want treating your animal when you do have a problem.
Vgaines - I know what you mean! I check Camo daily for signs of swelling, weird bumps, sunken eyes haha. My boyfriend tells me he's fine.

I'll be like "look at this speck on his back! Is that a rash? Is he okay? Do you think it hurts?"
His response? "Did you search the forum?"
Me - "Yes! It's a bacterial infection that's eating his skin away."
Then he'll take Camo out and wipe away the 'speck' which just so happened to be vitamin dust from his food.
I think you should learn as much as you can about health problems that chameleons have because they have tons of them. You want to recognize the first signs of something wrong so you can get them to the vets right away. Chameleons are excellent at masking their illness and it can be too late by the time they act sick. I would also recommend you find a really good reptile vet now before you need one and get your Cham a check up and fecal and build a relationship with your vet. You want to make sure this is the person you want treating your animal when you do have a problem.

I agree with you 100%. I just wondered if I had an unhealthy addiction to that particular section. And was curious to see if anyone else shared this obsession. :-D
Holy cow I am just as bad... I see a devastating health issue behind every color change. I think they are like your first child though- first time he drops his pacifier you sterilize it immediately, a year later you find him sharing ice cream with the dog and say "He'll be fine, isn't a dog's mouth cleaner than a human's?"
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