Help! I'm concerned! Overwatering??


New Member
Hey! im concerned if my cham is consuming too much water. I spray the cage 4 times a day with a huge misting bottle until all foliage is wet. He will lick off leaves but ive trained him to drink from a syringe. One time I just kept dripping and after he drank he slightly puffed out his chin for a short time and gaped a little. hes okay now but should i be concerned about over watering?
He might have gotten too much water at one time from the syringe. I'd just mist the cage and let him lick the leaves. That way he gets what he wants when he wants it, and you won't have to worry about accidentally shooting water down his airway.
i dont put the syringe in his mouth though i wait for him to put his tongue out and i drip it on his tongue.
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