help - little one not doing well


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled, male, about 12 weeks old, have had him about 2 weeks

Handling - once daily or every few days depending on free time

Feeding - feeding 6 - 7 tiny crickets gutloaded with Repashy Superload & greens & carrots, also tiny hornworms & Phoenix worms tried fruit flies when he started eating less

Supplements - Repashy Calcium Plus on all feeders except fruit flies (learned that it kills them!)

Watering - mist 3 - 4 times daily do have a hard time keeping humidity up so have covered two walls with plastic humidity still ranges from 80% to 20%

Fecal Description - stools looked great for first few days - now nothing since last Fri

History - none

Cage Info:
Cage Type - screen cage 12 x 12 x 18
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 added a 50 watt ZooMed today in case he was cold
Temperature - temp ranges from 72 during the day to 66 at night
Humidity - having trouble keeping humidity up ranges from 80% (after misting) to 20% (an hour later)
Plants - I have 2 artificial plants and 1 bamboo
Placement - he is in the reptile room up on a higher shelf - I need a step stool to get to him
Location - suburb of Chicago

Current Problem - He started eating less about a week ago, got some small silk worms which he did not eat, then ordered fruitflies which I do not believe he is eating either. He has not eaten anything in about 3 days, he did not move around at all yesterday and his crest seems to not be as full as it was. He has lost a gram (was 6 grams when I got him - is now 5) Since I added the heat lamp he has hung out under it with his eyes closed. I dripped some water onto his mouth which he lapped up, tried to sneak a fruitfly in there but he wouldn't take it. Also today, I saw him retch like he wanted to vomit but nothing came out.
Try warming him up a bit. His basking spot should be around 82 and since he's not eating try 84 for a couple of days. Are his eyes open?
Im sorry hes not feeling good.
You need to make his basking spot warmer, this could be part of it.
try to get it up to 80.

can you post some pictures please?
There will be plenty of other, more experienced people who will comment on this. Just to make sure I understand, though, the cage is 72 degrees? Is that his basking temp or his general cage temp?
Others beat me to it! :( I have 5-6 month old and they like it a little warmer or else they get a little sluggish. That and it'll help him digest.
I had a heat lamp on him originally but kept reading that they like it cooler so I took it off :confused:
He actually looks a little better after sitting under the warmth, he has moved away and walking around with his eyes open now! He wouldn't open them before. WOW I hope that was all it was! I was scared I was going to lose him! Already force feeding and medicating my sick leopard gecko (he is not near the reptile room) I couldn't stand another setback! I will try to get him to eat in a bit.
I am going to start work on his "big boy" cage soon with lots of real plants but in the meantime any more suggestions on keeping the humidity up? It's at 25% and I just misted him well about 2 hours ago
its fine if the humidty drops in btween the misting, esp if it was 2 hours ago.
and babies do likeit cooler yes, but they mean around 80, not 85-88 like adults.
babies do likeit cooler yes, but they mean around 80, not 85-88 like adults.

That's not techincally quite true- given the opportunity they will bask at high temps just like an adult. People just like to limit the heat for fear of cooking and dehydrating the babies. Or to limit the growth rate to prevent problems from inadequate nutrition or supplementation or lighting.

Which isn't the same as baby calyptratus liking the limitation. Given free choice- they'll bask well into the 90s even as hatchlings...

I give my babies that basking opportunity and they use it and they never cook or dehydrate...
But, 90s is too hot for a baby, right? 72 was too cold....80-84 for the basking temp is what I've seen recommended for babies.
Got home from work today and he was on the bottom of the tank looking half dead! He has no strenght. I tried to drip water into his mouth but he wouldn't drink. I think he will be gone soon. Is there anything I can do? He looked so much better last night
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