Help!!!!! Male or female.

Jish an speedy

New Member
Hi after posting some pics I had afew ppl post that my he may be a she.

I have went to google and typed veiled male tarsal spur to c wat they luk like and now am starting to think this is maybe a female.

Plz help solve

Here's best pic of back feet if need anymore pics let me no
It should be very easy to tell. If you look at the back feet on what would be his heel there will be a little nub if you have a male and you have a female her heel will look like the heel of your hand, smooth.

If you can get a photo of the back of the back feet, we could see for you. I don't want to say definitively from this photo because I have a feeling you have a female but I'd like to see the heels to say for certain.
Post another picture of its back heel area and we can help out. I'm calling female just because of her patterning and casque.
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