Help me pick my next cham


New Member
Well I just have to have another one of these awesome animals. I will be going to the reptile show next weekend in Indianapolis(04/19/09). I'm just not sure what I want. There are usually panthers and vieleds there. I don't know all the locales on the panthers, and I have a hard time distinguishing them(some help on that would be appreciated). I would be more than happy with either of the 2 species. Give me some ideas, help me make my decision. I will be going with a male either way.
PANTHER, for sure, Ive owned X amount of chameleons and by far panthers have some of the best attitudes, especially females, but if you want some color go for a male. Vields are cool too but something about the panthers attitude beats them.
Panthers are my favorite by far.

Visit screameleon's website and look at their projects. That will give you an awesome idea on the different locale colorations.
Panthers are winning so far.... Think they have a better attitude too? My vield is still yong, but already I'm pretty sure he is not going to want to have anything to do with me when he grows up. He doesn't hiss or gape, just an evil death stare, like he's plotting something...... and usually just moves to avoid me. It would be nice to have one that has a more "friendly" personality. Thanks for telling me to check out Screameleons, I've checked them out before, so it's mostly just a coloring variation on the locales?? I like the ambilobe, sambava, ambanja, and nosy be if that's the case. Any opinions on one locale over the other??
I want a panther too! As far as personality goes I have a Jackson's and he's a little skittish, and tries to bite me when I take him outside and he doesn't want to leave his tree but other than that he's great. I'd say panther though.
Panthers are awsome. My female "runs" up my arm everytime I open the door, and she is great with other people too. My little male panther, Bruce, is still a little skittish but has never hissed only "huffed" when tired of being held. Both are beautiful, and even the little lady has some gorgeous colours, she's been throwing solid oranges with black/brown bars that make my eyes pop out. Go with the panthers. I've only seen 1 vieled out of ever 10 that (which I've worked with) didn't mind being held or approached.
If you want something that is a bit more mello i'd say a panther. If you want some thing to hold and play with get a puppy. Remember, they are "observe" animals rather then hold animals. However the panthers will tolerate more human contact then most veilds. The panthers will require stable/higher humidity levels then veilds and the initial cost of the animal will be greater. If you are trying to pick a panther local, I'd say Nosy Be or Ambilobe.;)

Panthers are awsome. My female "runs" up my arm everytime I open the door, and she is great with other people too. My little male panther, Bruce, is still a little skittish but has never hissed only "huffed" when tired of being held. Both are beautiful, and even the little lady has some gorgeous colours, she's been throwing solid oranges with black/brown bars that make my eyes pop out. Go with the panthers. I've only seen 1 vieled out of ever 10 that (which I've worked with) didn't mind being held or approached.

His "daddy" was on display when I got him, they were letting people touch him and he seemed "kinda ok" with it, bright colors and gaping, but no hissing or trying to get away. Here's a pic of daddy.. lol Sorry bout the quality, taken with a phone.


Hope he turns out to look something similar. I know they all have their own personality so I don't think he got that part of the genetics, that says "just tolerate the annoying thing touching me".
If you want something that is a bit more mello i'd say a panther. If you want some thing to hold and play with get a puppy. Remember, they are "observe" animals rather then hold animals. However the panthers will tolerate more human contact then most veilds. The panthers will require stable/higher humidity levels then veilds and the initial cost of the animal will be greater. If you are trying to pick a panther local, I'd say Nosy Be or Ambilobe.;)


I know it's not a hold and play animal, not looking for that. I have a dog for that and a couple of my geckos dont mind being held, I generally don't handle my reptiles much at all, just for watching mostly. I might be going for the more mellow, not sure.... I kinda like my vieleds "I really don't need you, go away" attitude. Thanks for you locale opinion, it helps.
Panthers are still ahead...... No love for the veileds?:rolleyes: Any other panther locale suggestions/experiences? Ideas? Input of any kind?
Change in plans

Well it seems I am not going to be able to make the show in Indianapolis this weekend. It's ok though, I was able to put a deposit on one of Brad Ramsey's baby veileds:D. It all worked out for me. Thanks to everyone for their input. I am sure my next cham will be a panther. These animals are too amazing to have just 1 or 2.
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