HELP! Mist king sec. timer not working!


Established Member
Okay so the problem is my timer won't go on during any of the settings. I have reset it multiple times. I have checked and just manually plugged in the mister to see if thats broken ( its not ) and that all leads me back here. The timer won't go on and it also won't work when I go and push the on/auto/off button either! HELP please, i need this timer to work b/c I'm at school all day :(:eek:
sorry to hear that, I also had this happen to me and could not figure out what was wrong... so I requested a new one from the seller and they gave it to me free of charge. I bought mine from though..
Make sure you have not set it to "random"?
If you have reset it though, that shouldnt be the issue.
I would contact Marty and ask him about it. ;)
I think I've seen that people have had problems and had to push the reset button on the unit and all was well again.
Has it ever worked? When i got mine they didn't completely assemble it... The lead connecting the outlet didn't get put in.

I just took it apart, finished it, and closed it. And it works now
Try leaving it plugged in like suggested, if that does not work contact Marty like Snake said. He will take care of ya:)
So I tried charging it, didn't work

I talked to Marty but I don't think he will replace it b/c I order my thing through a depo, closer to my house

So now Im going to contact the depo people, which probably will result in me paying 30+ buck out of pocket, that I don't have for a new timer

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