Help my chameleon wont eat

she is a veild, she is a female, a month and a half, a week,

I have not handled her yet because she is still stressed

I am feeding her mealworms, wax worms, and crickets, and I feed her lettuce and apples and some mango some times
Ok well with just this info the mealworms should not be fed. They have no nutritional value. Wax worms should only be treats and given very sparingly. She should be eating pinhead crickets and about 20 or so a day. These need to be dusted with her supplements. You need to read the link on veiled chams that I gave you.
You need to have calcium WITHOUT D3 that you dust their feeders with every day. And you need a calcium with D3 that you dust 2 times a month and a multivitamin that you dust two times a month.

IF she is really that young. the fact that she is not eating is not good. But it is hard to give you full help since you are not there with her and are unable to provide pics of her set up or give more detail on her husbandry.
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