Help!!!! My Jackson is having babies right now!!


New Member
I didn't even know she was pregnant! I've had her since mid July. I have a vet appt in 2.5 hrs for my dog. Anything I need to do in the mean time???!!

I'm freaking out. I had not planned on breeding her at all. I didn't even know she was pregnant!!!
Although I don't keep jackson's I know this happens a lot!

You will need to make up an enclosure for the babies so the mother doesn't eat them and you will need tiny food! Pin head crickets, fruit flies will do.

Good luck! Hopefully someone with a bit more experience can help you!
Congrats, even unexpected babies are wonderful. Now let's get them set up. Grab some kind of plastic tup, or crate. Make sure it is clean and at least 16 x16 x16 - larger is fine. Grab a few fake vines and small sticks, apply babies. Unless your home is cold you won't need extra heat, but a old UVB bulb would be nice. Not a new one as that would be too strong for the babies. Get a mist bottle and mist the sides of the tub and the leaves- trying not to spray the babies- with slightly warm water, not HOT.

Now the hard part, you need to locate some food. Pinhead crickets or fruit flys are the standard.

The easy part, sit back and enjoy while taking pictures for us.
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