New Member
Not too long ago, about 6 months, I purchased a supposedly male baby veiled chameleon from PetCo but two days ago I found a white egg on the ground(it was a bit misshapen but it was indeed an egg). I put a 12" diameter 11" deep bucket filled with moist sand in "her" tank and she started digging. I didn't know what to do at first but after about a day I put a blanket over her cage 2x2x4ft but she just keeps digging, no eggs. I'm not disturbing her in anyway and she hasn't seen me but she keeps digging to no avail. I just don't want her to become egg bound. Also, before she laid the first egg on the ground, there was no where else for her to dig and she showed some yellowish and vibrant blue spots (if that's significant). Also, since she's in the bucket, I'm not sure if misting her is too disturbing. Please help if you can! I wasn't prepared for a female veiled cameleon at all!