Help needed with worms/feeding


New Member
I want to give my cham some worms but if I let the worms free roam they just fall to the bottom of the enclosure and my cham will not eat out of a cup or they just crawl out of there and fall to the bottom again. Does anyone have some advice as to how to give him these treats? He is terrified of my hand so I do not think hand feeding is an option either...

Thank you for your input!
Well I have butterworms right now, but I imagine that the problem comes with ALL worms... Do you think it would be easier to put them on top of the cage and him too? I just feel like he doesn't even have a chance to get them because they just drop almost immediately.
I agreee with draetish, the supers just have no traction on branches or leaves, they just fall off so cup feeding is about the only way with them. I dont know if you have tried silkworms but they are great! They almost cling too much sometimes but they are no match for the chameleons tongue. You can set them on branches and leaves and they can easily pick them off.
I put supers on branches. They climb branches and vines just fine for the 5 minutes they remain alive before the chameleon eats them.
maybe you could make a little shelf that you can just set the worms on? handfeeding worms might get your cham a little more used to your hand, its worth a try.
I put worms in one at a time. I place them on a broad leaf near the chameleon. If he doesn't notice the worm before it rolls off, I use feeding tongs to hold the worm.

My cham is very friendly so I can't promise it will work the same for you, but maybe you can try feeding tongs.
Thanks guys, I will absolutely try hand feeding. Yesterday I tried putting one at a time on a branch in front of him (but not too close since he freaks out and runs when he thinks I am getting to close) and he ate two right in a row! :D I tried giving a third but I think he was either full or bored by that time...

Does hand feeding generally help the cham to get more used to you as well? He was super nice when I first got him, but now that he is starting to get more color he has become super feisty. I am not sure he would even eat from my hand. How close do you hold your hand to their mouth? :eek:
holding around 1-3 feet is good as long as your cham can reach the worm with its tongue. Make sure you let your chameleon see the worm even if he/she is nasty. My cham hates me and when i hand feed her her first reaction is to gape but when i show her the worm she puts her anger for me aside and takes the free meal.
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