HELP! NEW OWNER! - Jackson's Chameleon Swollen Eye/Broken Horn


New Member
Hello All,
I am the new animal mom for an adorable Jackson's Chameleon. I have had him for about 3 months with zero problems. This morning I wake up and BAM!
Broken front horn, swollen right horn/forehead, swollen right eye socket.
He started shedding yesterday with small swelling in the right horn but nothing that raised any alarms. However with the amount of swelling today and the mysteriously broken horn I'm worried!

There are no vets offices that will let me take him in until Monday so of course my first worry is, "Is this fatal? Will he pass away over the weekend??"
Secondly I have to ask, "Must I take him to the vet or is the very common in Jackson's?. Will he be able to "cure" himself?"

I'm getting a lot of mixed reviews online. Some websites say he will be just fine & will right himself where as other say he is in immediate danger. Please help a very worried reptile mama out!
Thanks so much!!
I've had experience with this.

His chances of surviving vary upon a number of factors. For one example where is the break? If the break is above the skin then once some work is done on it he might survive. If the break is under the skin then things get more dire.

Sounds like he took a hard fall. Sometimes they survive that, other times mother nature is not so kind.

If there is any kind of open wound, treat it with a little Betadine mixed with water 50/50 and keep it out of his eyes. Other than that he'll need t obe looked at by a Herp vet. Don't take him to a dog vet, take him to one that works on reptiles.

Ways to test the vet to see if they are a herp vet:

1 - ask them if they know what kind of lizard you are holding. If they pass move on to #2

2- ask them what kind of reptiles do they own.

I'd never let a vet work on my critters if they had never owned a reptile, let alone a chameleon.

Good luck.
Very good advice you've been given.

For help in locating a vet here is the forum's Health and Vet page

Which has 2 links to find a cham vet in the second paragraph.

I hope you will let us know how your cham is treated and if you need more help finding a good cham vet, just start another post asking for a vet in whatever area you're in.
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