New Member
I haven't been on here for a while but I have already been through the whole filling out the form and all the stuff you do when you first start. Please see previous threads or if like you like I will copy links and put here. I'm continuing the same thing as far as set up lighting temps, cage, water, etc. So I've got it all down pat as far as set up. I did the whole Vet thing (antibiotic shots every other day 3 weeks/ oral cal), checked for parasites (negative).. What I need to know is Diego (now 1 year 1 month old) has not hunted or wanted to hunt for many MONTHS now. I think he maybe blind and definitely has eye problem(s). I've tried to grind up crickets, various worms and stuff w/o much success but am considering trying it again. I have been force feeding (not so much forcing now, he actually eats it when I put a drop on the front of his month) Carnivore Care about once or twice a week ever since he stopped eating. He puts his tongue out only about 1- 1 1/2 inches for water on leaves or to lick up the food. I tried not to give the Carnivore Care to him so much that he wasn't hungry enough to attempt to eat live food but then when I see he doesn't eat and looks weak I give it again. Then "HOPE" he will eat live food, so I try it again the whole thing over again... and then all over again!!!! I once or twice have got a live cricket in his mouth but it took a huge effort on my part cause he kept dropping it from his mouth.. had to put it in there while he was drinking because even if he feels the cricket on his mouth he won't open his mouth for it and not even if I hold it away from him to hand feed (I think he doesn't see it but thought if he felt it that maybe he'd go for it). Then I figured maybe it might interest him once he got a taste and I could had feed him more but NO! I put various worms in his cage but no attempt even for them! I put a worm in his mouth when he first went on the hungry strike and he literally throw the worm out from his mouth across the room!!! I've come to the realization that I may have to force/hand feed him for his life! For now I'm going to start a every other day feeding of Carivore Care but I do have a large supply of live supers that I could grind
for him. I'll been raising the supers since they were micro size... would that be better for him??? (I had them in a container filled with oatmeal oats and give them apples every other day. I've had NO supers die and I think I've actually got a super farm going cause there are small ones into there now too.) If so and supers are better, then after I blend them should I try to strain the worm shell out or give it just as it's blended. ****MOST IMPORTANTLY... I REALLY want to get his weight up and get him stronger. What food (or poss keep w/ Carnivore Care) would be be to do this???***** Also I still slip him his oral calcium at least once and sometimes twice a week during the feedings and Repi-Aid (hoping to help the eye thing), along with Termycin(sp) cream and liq eye drops when needed. He is getting skinny and week. I'm going do everything I can to not let him suffer and know he's starting to because he's getting skinny now :*(. He has shed at least 3 times since he stopped eating on his own but in shedding in sections instead the the complete sheds like when he was young (I know that is normal). So since he doesn't seem to mind his personalized hand feeding.. I'm going give up on live food at least til he's stronger again and has gotten much more weight on him!!!! I need to fattin up my boy, HELP/ Advise PLEASE!!!!!!!! TIA