New Member
Tube bulb for light 5.0 (would NEVER us a spiral). Originally his basking bulb was 75 watt and temp btwn 97-100 for basking so I lowered that pretty much right away to 50 watt thinking maybe this was why he was closing his eyes all day. He's had the eye issue (bulged it out like a balloon) and closed his eyes all day when I first got him. Over time it's gotten better the back again. Actually I intended on getting a new bulb this weekend but had no idea it affected hunger! Good to know.
I am ordering the worms from Mulberry tonight and hitting the local pet shop tomorrow for crickets and butters to hold me off til the delivery. Also on the list is getting a new bulb. Gonna cleaning his cage again while he basks in an outdoor cage tomorrow. (He hasn't really been outside much at all to bask, we'll had a terrible heat wave for about a month but it has finally cooled off some)
Today I fed him the smashed up supers and he throw them up.. think I over did it.. I'm pretty sure I did! This is first time he ever throw up
. This afternoon (after feeding) was walking around his cage on branches, along the cage wall on the ficus tree. His eyes weren't sunken today but still his head pad is not full and is sunken slightly more then the usual. All of tomorrow will be spent on taking care of him and his cage. I will be on top of it all tomorrow and try my best to do everything I can do. The Vet visit the first time cost over $300+ prob close to $400 since he had a fecal done from 2 vets. The Herp specialist said the first vet didn't test for everything. I don't think Diego was any better off after visit then prior but I'm not sure maybe. All I know is after I'm still struggling to turn him around. I get almost there then back to not well. I will keep fighting for him. I take ALL your recommendations very seriously and appreciate all your advise. I am very thankfully for this site and the members cause I probably wouldn't have got him this far and hope to get him better fully still. Maybe he will always have the eye issue and will have to be hand fed but if so it will be better food for him know. I'm going to trying all this stuff over the weekend and see how he responds... If he perks up then I'm on the right track but if not the Vet we go again! I will post a picture when I can but I'm gonna focus my time on him so as soon as I can I will.. I know pictures can really help. Thanks again everyone!
I am ordering the worms from Mulberry tonight and hitting the local pet shop tomorrow for crickets and butters to hold me off til the delivery. Also on the list is getting a new bulb. Gonna cleaning his cage again while he basks in an outdoor cage tomorrow. (He hasn't really been outside much at all to bask, we'll had a terrible heat wave for about a month but it has finally cooled off some)
Today I fed him the smashed up supers and he throw them up.. think I over did it.. I'm pretty sure I did! This is first time he ever throw up