Help on feeding


New Member
So I got my chameleon who is a femaled veiled about 3 months old and on the first night she ate 3 crickets, yeaterday she ate a cricket and two large superworms on of which wqs in a cup. And today (at 12) I put two large superworms in the cup again but she still hasnt eaten them and instead has just been moving around her cage a little bit. And with her being my first reptile I am a little bit worried as she was skinny when I got her and has only fattened up a wee bit.
So I got my chameleon who is a femaled veiled about 3 months old and on the first night she ate 3 crickets, yeaterday she ate a cricket and two large superworms on of which wqs in a cup. And today (at 12) I put two large superworms in the cup again but she still hasnt eaten them and instead has just been moving around her cage a little bit. And with her being my first reptile I am a little bit worried as she was skinny when I got her and has only fattened up a wee bit.

I don't have A ton of experience only about a mouth and a half with my first cham but for the first two weeks he barely ate anything then all of a sudden he started eating everything I put in there and during that time he got pretty skinny now he is up on weigh and looks really healthy. hope that helps plus I hung a sheet with tacs from the ceiling for the second week and that seemed to calm him down
Definitely takes some time for a cham to settle in sometimes. If you interact with them or they are sick while they are adjusting you can stress them out and they may take longer to adjust.
My veiled baby took a month till she started eating like crazy
It's not uncommon for chameleons to go a while without eating while they are going the through the adjustment process. I got mine to eat the first day by puting some small superworms in a dry measuring cup with a handle and holding it up for him. I don't know if this would work for anyone else. I think my chameleon is just a bit strange... :p...but it's worth a try. Also, I noticed you said you are offering large superworms. Do you mean large as in full size superworms? If so... I think they might be a bit large for a 3 month old... :eek:
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