Help on My Chameleon


New Member
My Chameleon just started coming on to the floor and walking up to and along the glass front is this normal or does she want anything ?
If he is fairly new then it is very common. Many times chameleons will walk around everywhere when they are in a new environment. Also I have noticed that many of my chameleons come down when they are looking for food. But depending on the species of chameleon, I would look into getting a screen cage.

I Just picked her up and she didnt want to go back into his cage is it because she wants to explore or for another reason ?
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He pobably wants to get out or explore,
but if you see him rubbing his head against the glass as if trying to get out then he could injure himself from constantly rubbing up and down on the glass, it would look like hes rubbed the colour off the tip of his nose scales after a few days of it.
oops sorry its a female. its because in the shop they said it might be a male but its too young to tell then i just found out its a female.
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