HELP! Panther has head wound.


New Member
I have two Panthers that are free roaming and this morning they got into an argument which I was not able to break up I'm time.

Geoffrey got the losing end of the stick and has a wound on the top of his head.

Need advise as of what to do to try and get this done myself. I've successfully treated everything in the past.

Those with knowledge, please help. Be detailed..


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Another picture. His crown had been pushed upward towards the center of the top of his head.


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Do you have Silver Sulfadiazine Cream? It comes from the vet. That should work. Also I suggest a safe free range. When I have Chameleons that might hurt each other I use corrals. You can see them here.

Thank you for your reply! I don't have any on hand but will go pick some up. The cartilage above his eye (that is on the brim of his crown) has been torn and is partially lifted upwards. I'm not sure if it just has to heal that way or if anything can be done. When I put pressure on it (Asif to move it back into place), it is stiff and doesn't seem to want to be moved.


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I just wanted to follow up with everyone. We got back from the vet this afternoon. It was his first appointment in his 1.75 years of being healthy and only cost $69 for the appointment and $15 for the ointment.

They checked him out and it seems he must have fallen and bumped his head on the way down. Probably because Hedes (his brother) was headed up to the same spot and that freaked him out or maybe they did get into an argument. To say the least, I don't think it was an attack or bite.

His eye is good and the dislocated part of cartilage will be determine how how his body reacts to it and if there is still blood going to it. So either he'll have a weird ridge sitting on top of his head or his body will reject the broken piece and everything will smooth out.

They sold me some BNP - Neomycin & Polymyxin B Sulfates & Bacitracin Zinc Ointment USP to treat the wound and prevent infection.
They advised against Silver Sulfadiazine only because it was so close to his eye.

Other than that he was the talk of the place! Thanks again to everyone who commented advise so quickly.

Thanks for the link to those free roaming setups! I got a new project ahead.


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