Chameleon Enthusiast
ya i do agree getting one from a breeder would be a better choice but at this point i feel so bad for both of them, I just want to rescue one of them Ill take the hit of not having as healthy of an animal but yeah the one sitting in the bark is in worse shape the one in the middle pictures jsut came from their vendor so that one is perfectly healthy and is with a female in the same cage right now so I would be destressing her as well if I took him also. Does anyone know if jacksosn keep their blues ?
The point some posters were trying to make is that even though you want to help that individual cham you are going to reward the store for selling a stressed imported animal. And, continuing to sell animals for which the chain has a pretty bleak track record. Regardless whether it is healthy or not, the impact of your purchase goes a lot further than the cham you are looking at. You also won't really be able to tell that the cham from the vendor is healthy for some time. Chams in these situations are desperately trying to hide their health issues until they are exhausted. Then they break down.
Because I really despise these two chain stores I refuse to buy ANYTHING from them including supplies.