help please


New Member
Ok so I've posted a few times in the breeding section and only got one reply. I have a veiled cham she is about 1 1/2 we have had her for almost a year. I bought her from a pet store. Her name is karma. We handle her about 5 times a month, sometimes more. She loves to be held. She prefers to just sit on our hand over anything. We feed her a mixture of large meal worms and gut loaded large crickets. We feed her about 5-6 every other day. For the crickets we use flickers high calcium cricket diet, multi vitamin 2 times a week and calcium with d3 1 time a week and normal calcium every feeding. Her cage size is 16 x 16 x 30 the top is about 5ft from the floor. We use a monsoon mister with distilled water every 2 1/2 hrs for 20-30 seconds. About 3 weeks ago her eyes swelled and she kept it shut so we took her to the vet right away. He flushed out her eye and gave us a cream. So last night she started laying eggs on top of the playsand instead of digging. They are not fertile as she hasn't been mated. She laid 6 eggs last night and only 1 today. She is keeping her eyes shut and they are sunken in. I've offered her water consistently and she isn't wanting it. She keeps getting a very light color almost white. We called her vet last night when she started laying and at this point I'll be taking her back Monday. I'm just worried because she isn't moving a lot. She seems kind of lethargic. She keeps curling her tail all the way and laying it sideways on top of the sand. She is so not her normal self and I don't want her to die. Any suggestions on how to keep her hydrated and strong for this laying process??
It's usually not good when they lay the eggs on the surface especially when lethargic as well. Sounds like she's in trouble.
Well I know that much I just looking for ideas to keep hydrated. I've seen people saying to run a hot shower and put them in there. Obviously not under the running water. I just don't know that I should handle her while she's trying to lay the eggs?? But however I'll be getting her into the vet early Monday morning just trying to keep her alive. This is her first time laying and our first time experiencing her laying so new ideas would be much appreciated.
Since there is no concern for the eggs, I would mist her will water that is warm - not hot. She really needs drink, so misting and dripping water on her face may help. The sooner she sees a vet the better her chances are. Let us know how it goes. Good luck.
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