Help please!

My bother male veiled chameleon hasn't been okay for a few days. I take care of him since my brother is quite a bit younger.this is the first chameleon my family has owned. I di all the research I could do and ask emplyoes at the pets stores if they've owned a chameleon and get any info I can get from them. someone please help me ASAP!!! he also has a bump on his eye.

-Male, Veiled chameleon, roughly 4 or 5 months(im guessing). I've had him since March(2015).
-Handled quite a bit. He loves being handled, loves going to the pet store with us.
-Feed him abut ten small crickets, he doesn't like worms because they don't move a lot. Given periodical throughout the day and a few before I go to bed. the crickets are gutloaded.
-dust crickets in calcium dust but not as much because he ends up getting too -much Vitamin D3 and it causes white stuff t come out his nose. once a week.
-I spray the tank but he hates it. he drinks out of a bowl, which is washed and given fresh water everyday.
-Never had any problems besides, the bump on his eye and whats happening now

-Glass with double doors on one side and scree on top. its and exoterra cage, mini tall
-I don't remember what they are. The Petco employee gave us what to use.
-in the middle of the tank its 78 degrees F
-Humidty is hard to keep up but its rough between 50-70%
- no live plants
-on my desk by my bed and on the floor
- New Mexico, USA


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Too much d3, should only be given 2 times a month. You need to get calcium without d3 to dust with at every feeding. Also use a multivitamin 2 times a month. Almost looks as though/ sounds he is overdosed on d3.thats where I would start. Also looks like an infection in his eye, might try to give him a warm shower to help clean his eye out.
No expert.. but eye bump... Parasitic?

I suspect the eye bump might be parasitic, I would recommend a quick visit to a vet.

Calcium should be supplemented daily, but correct the D3 should only be given every fortnight.

Posted same time as Jan, and you should listen to Jan. :)
He's really weak and shaky when he climbs around. His casque is soft and the gular region isn't normal. He also drags his body around like he can't hold himself up.
I have a chameleon that is about 2-3 months old and mine got sick quickly. Vet diagnosed him with lung infection and parasites. Mine was gasping for air. I would recommend a trip to a vet also. From what I have read chameleons hide that they are sick until they are really sick. Mine was also very weak and I took everything out of the bottom of the cage (plants etc) except stuff for him to climb on (sticks and corner net) and I put a couple folded towels on the bottom of the cage to cushion him in case he fell. I hope this helps and your chameleon is better soon.

OH I forgot - when you go to the vet take some of his feces to have it checked for parasites. Mine had lots from the pet store! I had only had him two weeks when he got sick.

If you have to give him medicine, I found that putting a dab of water on his lips so he licks it off then dab medicine on his lips and he'll lick it off. At first I was squirting it in George's (my veiled chameleon) mouth when he opened it. Then he refused to open his mouth. I rubbed the medicine inside his lips on his teeth with the tip of the no needle syringe and the next time he just licked it off his lips and the syringe itself. I had to do this with his parasite medicine and his lung medicine. Good luck!
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