Help please!


New Member
So i literally just got home and came home to a cage with about 15eggs!!!

was not eexpecting any of this! i have not touched any of the eggs in the cage yet because i do not know if maybe touching them will do harm, wanted to know the next step as to what i should do when it comes to care for the eggs and for my cham :confused::eek:

Please help

Of course, they might not be fertile, but if you have a live chameleon after egg laying, I say congratulations are still in order.

What type of chameleon is she? Has she been in the company of a male at any point in her life? (it sounds weird to say it that way, but apparently they can save sperm for later, just because you have had a female kept separate for 6 months doesn't mean she can't have been "exposed" and have sperm available to fertilize her eggs)

That last question is critical to "what to do with the eggs". If you know that she's never been with a male, then they're trash. If not, do you want to incubate them and have them hatch?

For your lady: calcium, calcium, calcium and loads of hydration! She's been through a lot, treat her nicely!
YOu want to water and Calcium the heck out of her. I myself am preparing for this day where my female veiled lays her first infertile clutch but what you want to do is mist the heck out of her enclosure and possibly her if she is dirty. Then get her to eat as much as she can with calcium dusted feeders. I haven't ran into this situation yet but I have done my research on it within the forum.

Also you did not state whether she has been with a male or not.
Shes never been with a male and yea she is still alive ive been watering her and giving her calcium, so these eggs are going to be infertile correct?

should i keep the eggs?
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