Help Sexing Ambanja Panther


New Member
I need some help sexing my new little Ambanja Panther. I puchased him from a reputable local store that is known to do a lot of high quality animals of all kinds, primarily herps and birds. Ill post pics below shortly
Id day female, put her on a ruler and take a picture. That will help. Did you purchase her as a him? Also just curious, is the tank in the background hers or for a different animal?
No I didn't purchase it as any sex, the store I bought from refused to tell sex as they don't like selling breeders. They're the type of store that prefers the animals to be pets/family. The tank in the background is hers for the time being, the screen cage I wanted to get was out of stock so I ordered one in that will be here Saturday or Monday. I've had her since Tuesday. I initially felt it was a female but when it gets excited it displays some very deep reds and baby blues which really threw me off. The other thing that's throwing me off is with the tail straight there is an ever so slight bulge but it's not real big. I'll get some pics of her/him on a flat surface or ruler tomorrow afternoon as she is asleep. I don't personally care what the sex is but if it's a female I want to be ready to deal with the egg laying as she is about 5 months old based on the stores info.
Do these help at all?

These are the pics I was able to snap this morning, if these still don't help much I can get some better pics tonight.
100% female. Prominent dip in the vent and at her size a male would be showing a ton of color. If I had to guess, 5-7 months old.

Just re-read your post above, it got blocked out because the pics were so big lol.

So they sold her to you as an Unknown and even though they probably DID know the sex, they wouldn't tell you? That seems really bizarre. No question she is female.
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After getting the strong opinion from 3 of you guys it's definitely a little girl.

@Seiryu yes she is about 5 months old, I know the receipt/paperwork she came with had the hatch date just don't remember what the date was exactly. Ironically enough she does have a ton of color it just doesn't pick up real well in the pictures, anytime I pull her out of her enclosure she mellows down to the little bit of color predominant earth tones you see above. If she's sitting in her enclosure most of the time she's got a lot of blues with her bars being red. The mother is solid blue with a white stripe and a hint of red even resting, the father is an extremely deep blue with red/purples to his stripes.

They did sell her as an unknown sex, they claimed they had no idea and even if they did they don't disclose sex on anything aside from large species of birds. My family has been buying animals from the same place for about 15 years now otherwise it probably would have seemed very odd to me at first as well. The only part that did throw me was that the did have one cham in the whole batch that they id'd as being a male, their claim was that the only reason they were willing to release sex was because it was $200 more than the rest due to a rare color mutation, he was basically albino white blue/black bars.

I think she's going to be an awefully big girl, she was roughly 20% larger than any of the rest of the clutch and was nearly as big as the 8 month old veileds they had. I'll get some pics tonight of her with a ruler/tape nearby to show her size.

Thanks again to all for the help!
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