Help! She's Dying!

I'm hoping she pulls through or if it must be, goes without too much discomfort. Good on you for trying to get her help before her Vet appt. I just lost my Jackson male last weekend very suddenly so I sympathize and hope your girl has a better fate.
I'm hoping she pulls through or if it must be, goes without too much discomfort. Good on you for trying to get her help before her Vet appt. I just lost my Jackson male last weekend very suddenly so I sympathize and hope your girl has a better fate.

The vet wanted to put her down. I told her no and that I was going to try and save her.
Thanks - If I'm able to bring her back to life it will be a miracle. She came to work with me today. Giving her pedialyte and water every two hours with an eye dropper.

No, I don't think I'll gain anything by cutting her open. I'll just call it a tragedy and move on.

I think I'd want to know even from a simpler gross necropsy to look for obvious internal injuries. Especially if I wanted to keep breeding...might provide some information that gives a chance to respond quickly if another female starts down this spiral.
I think I'd want to know even from a simpler gross necropsy to look for obvious internal injuries. Especially if I wanted to keep breeding...might provide some information that gives a chance to respond quickly if another female starts down this spiral.

Yeah, if she dies I think I'm going to take a look inside. This whole thing just puzzles me. I spoke with a vet again today. He says he's seen stuff like this a lot and doesn't have an explanation for it.
She's showing improvement!!!

Yesterday she would hardly move. This morning she crawled a little bit, open and shut her mouth, and is grabbing with her feet.

She still has a chance!
I hope your little one does well and recovers. I have no experience with a female but I know when Pete got sick, it happened fast and he only lasted a few weeks after that. Holding him as he died was horrible but I didn't want him to be alone. I have no editorial comment on your breeding program but I don't think anyone sets out to hurt their pet, I felt terrible about Pete and I know you feel bad for your girl. I hope the improvement continues.
Sorry to hear about your beautiful girl! I really hope she makes it. Its touching to know that you went against putting her to sleep in efforts to save her life. :)
She's still surviving. She was a little bit better today than she was yesterday. I'll keep everyone updated.

She has survived over two days since the vet wanted to put her down. Considering how bad of shape she was in, I'm truly surprised.

And as far as breeding - nobody sets out to hurt their pets. Just because I've bred her to a male twice in an 8 month period, doesn't mean that I'm "power breeding" her or abusing her. They reproduce just as fast or faster in the wild. They're built to reproduce. In my opinion, it's sad if they are not allowed to reproduce. It's their God given right to. Some people on here just think they know everything and like to be ignorant a-holes. Instead of saying constructive things, they'd rather be destructive. It's frustrating when you're trying to deal with a dying pet that you've put so much into, and you get a bunch of crap like that when you're trying to save her life.
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Well If I Am Not Mistaken Females Won't Breed With The Same Male But The More You Breed Her The More It Shortens Her Life...
Well If I Am Not Mistaken Females Won't Breed With The Same Male But The More You Breed Her The More It Shortens Her Life...

I don't know if that is true of chameleons and perhaps a more experienced cham breeder will add their knowledge here.

kgallego, I hope that your cham girl pulls through.
It's so difficult to watch a creature in your care struggling to recover.
I'm a little late into this thread, but I'll offer my two cents if that's ok.

I'd love to see a pic of how she's looking now. From the first set, she looked to be on death's door, so I truly hope she's making an improvement. My buddy gave me his female panther before he left for vet school, and during/after egg laying she looked exactly the same. She ended up passing shortly after, despite perfect eggs (infertile) and plenty of food beforehand. I even offered liquid calcium orally to hopefully offer anything she may have been lacking. I will say this animal had problems from the start. She had eye and tongue issues that never seemed to get better, regardless of what my friend had done. And keep in mind, he worked for an exotic vet clinic, and was able to run any test needed and brought her in whenever he wanted. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do.

Breeding has almost nothing to do with how she is looking now, unless she had been bred extensively, as in how often the male was allowed to breed with her. Let's say the male was kept in the same enclosure, I could very well see that causing problems. Constant stress and copulation would do a number on a female. Even if she was allowed to be introduced by a male four times out of a FULL YEAR, I still can't see that causing problems. The biggest issue would be the eggs, because the female needs to put so much of herself into them. Even infertile eggs could end up literally pulling the life out of her. As stated earlier, problems before, during or after getting them out can cause issues as well. Does she still have the eggs inside her? I'm sorry if I missed it, I only went through the thread once.

I whole-heartedly agree that bashing you is completely unneccessary, and doesn't solve the current issue. I just have to say this though, and don't take it the wrong way....welcome to the world of the internet haha. It's a great place to meet good people and find information you would never know, and conversely it can be a nightmare when you meet bad people and get the noose. It's been said on here so many times; it's hard to read a tone through unspoken words. Though someone may mean well, a post can be misread as hurtful and cause an uproar. If someone is bashing you, brush it off and move on. Nobody knows everything, not even the "experts", and you shouldn't be so hung up on a post someone made who's been on the forum for 3 months haha.

I really wish you the best of luck! I'll be watching for updates on how your girl is doing, and again I would love to see pictures of how she looks now. I'll admit, from how the first round of pictures showed her, I probably would have put her down already. I'll be crossing my fingers for good news!

Day #4 - She's still alive. I haven't given her a drink yet because it's still dark, so I don't know if she's improved any. She certainly doesn't look any worse than yesterday though. I'll update later when I give her a drink.

I don't know if that is true of chameleons and perhaps a more experienced cham breeder will add their knowledge here.

kgallego, I hope that your cham girl pulls through.
It's so difficult to watch a creature in your care struggling to recover.

Thanks Lovereps

I'm a little late into this thread, but I'll offer my two cents if that's ok.

I'd love to see a pic of how she's looking now. From the first set, she looked to be on death's door, so I truly hope she's making an improvement. My buddy gave me his female panther before he left for vet school, and during/after egg laying she looked exactly the same. She ended up passing shortly after, despite perfect eggs (infertile) and plenty of food beforehand. I even offered liquid calcium orally to hopefully offer anything she may have been lacking. I will say this animal had problems from the start. She had eye and tongue issues that never seemed to get better, regardless of what my friend had done. And keep in mind, he worked for an exotic vet clinic, and was able to run any test needed and brought her in whenever he wanted. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do.

Breeding has almost nothing to do with how she is looking now, unless she had been bred extensively, as in how often the male was allowed to breed with her. Let's say the male was kept in the same enclosure, I could very well see that causing problems. Constant stress and copulation would do a number on a female. Even if she was allowed to be introduced by a male four times out of a FULL YEAR, I still can't see that causing problems. The biggest issue would be the eggs, because the female needs to put so much of herself into them. Even infertile eggs could end up literally pulling the life out of her. As stated earlier, problems before, during or after getting them out can cause issues as well. Does she still have the eggs inside her? I'm sorry if I missed it, I only went through the thread once.

I whole-heartedly agree that bashing you is completely unneccessary, and doesn't solve the current issue. I just have to say this though, and don't take it the wrong way....welcome to the world of the internet haha. It's a great place to meet good people and find information you would never know, and conversely it can be a nightmare when you meet bad people and get the noose. It's been said on here so many times; it's hard to read a tone through unspoken words. Though someone may mean well, a post can be misread as hurtful and cause an uproar. If someone is bashing you, brush it off and move on. Nobody knows everything, not even the "experts", and you shouldn't be so hung up on a post someone made who's been on the forum for 3 months haha.

I really wish you the best of luck! I'll be watching for updates on how your girl is doing, and again I would love to see pictures of how she looks now. I'll admit, from how the first round of pictures showed her, I probably would have put her down already. I'll be crossing my fingers for good news!


Brian - thanks for the thoughts. You're definitely right. Written words can easily be taken out of context. I usually do brush it off, but I lost my cool on this one because I was upset about her situation. I'll post a pic of her when the sun comes up. There is a pic I posted of her two days ago in horrible shape if you look back. Yes, she is gravid with eggs.

I'm amazed and glad she seems to be improving!

Thanks Olimpia - I'm amazed also. There's still a chance of her making it.
A little more improvement today. She's moving a little more. I saw her completely swallow for the first time since Monday. There's still hope.

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