Help! She's turning black!


New Member
2yr old female veiled cham.
Cage is 3ft wide, 1.5ft deep, and a little over 4ft tall with screen on the top and on two sides.
I had a misting system but that broke a month ago so I have had a dripper, a clean bowl of water at the bottom of the cage(Ive seen her drink out of it before) and I spray her cage a few times a day.
ReptiSun 10.0 UV light, Heat lamp is 100w. I have two, one dark purple for at night and one normal heat lamp for the day. Since my house can get a little chilly in the winter I put a space heater in the room that I turn on every once in a while.
She's on a varied diet of crickets, wax worms, dubai roaches, and horn worms. She has been drinking and eating just fine. She just laid eggs a few days ago and then it seems like overnight she changed colors in a strange way. She has been extremely healthy ever since she was a little baby and this was so sudden. I have no idea what it is. Its not concentrated on her back, crest, or knees like a burn would be. It hasn't grown slowly like a fungal or other parasitic infection would. She has been lethargic these past two weeks but I figured it was because of her digging and laying her eggs.

Please help! Im worried :(


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I have never seen this kind of coloration before. There are no obvious changes in the texture or integrity of her skin. Its almost as if her pixels are broken :( Im guessing its something internal or maybe neurological due to laying. I dont know what else I can do :( Please help

I have not, but I would guess she's having some sort of stress response- either something has gone wrong with her need to lay eggs (broken egg? Can't pass? Not happy with laying conditions? Not enough calcium to lay?) or some other medical issue causing the stress. - I think you are right about that.
Sorry can't help you with that case. Havent seen anything like it. I recommend a much needed vet visit to ensure her health.
I have not, but I would guess she's having some sort of stress response- either something has gone wrong with her need to lay eggs (broken egg? Can't pass? Not happy with laying conditions? Not enough calcium to lay?) or some other medical issue causing the stress. - I think you are right about that.

Yes, I also think its a sign of an internal problem...possibly some sort of expanding issue caused by egg follicle retention, crowding other organs, or internal bleeding from some sort of rupture? very odd.

But, even though you have had her for 2 years, my other thought is that she's being overheated. Her basking light is pretty high watt, there should be no heat at night unless the room gets colder than 50 at night.
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I just had silmilar experience with one of my chams recently he had black pigmentation by his mouth i was also getting worried. I thought he was developing mouth rot or had some type of infection. So i took him a.s.a.p to my locale vet, and my vet examined him and told me that he had no infection in or out his mouth or anything that is alarming. But that maybe he had fallen and hit himself pretty hard as he fell thats why he has some black pigmentation. He told me that the black pigmentation would go away in time. I hope some of this info and my personal experience may help.
I think it could be the light at night, they shouldn't have a light on at night, it could e causing stress
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