Help - Veiled Chameleon eyes won't open?


New Member
Hello there, I'll try to condense this as much as I can but it'll still be long. I've been taking care of my former bio teacher's veiled chameleon for a few months. According to my teacher it's a male, and is named Newton. I'm not sure how old he is, but he is definitely at least 6 months and his body, not including tail, is about 4 inches. As discussed, I was supposed to have Newton picked up last week to go home, but my bio teacher told me to keep him due to lack of room in his apartment. I have no experience with chameleons besides Newton, so I started reading up on stuff so I could really take care of him in the long wrong since he's mine now. Currently he's in an "exoterra" type glass "tank" with two front doors and a mesh top with built in bulb. There is a heating pad on the side, the temperature there is always roughly 80 F. I feed him about 5-10 small crickets everyday (use calcium powder and feed them flukes cricket food) and spray inside a few times a day with water - but his uric acid is still yellow so I know he's dehydrated, even though I see him drink. I don't handle him since I know he gets stressed. After reading up today on proper care I know now that I'll have to switch him to a larger screen cage and give him a better diet. I planned on spending my whole next pay check on getting him set up with everything he needs. I realized that I wasn't completely sure if Newton is a male either - his casque is not as big as the ones I've seen in photos. I just got home tonight and went to go check Newton for those spurs on the back of the "paws" that male chameleons have. For some reason his light was off (I guess someone turned it off), and he was in darkness so when I found him asleep it didn't surprise me. Well I tried waking him up to see if I'd be able to notice the spurs, but he did not open his eyes for anything. He puffed up, hissed, and changed colors but did not open his eyes. I did notice that one of his eyes slightly opened for a few seconds and moved around, but it closed again. It basically looked like the way his eyes do when I shut off his light and he starts to go to sleep - he squints a little until finally deciding to close them. They are not puffy or swollen, and he looks exactly the same as he always does. He was completely fine this morning and ate the crickets with eagerness as usual - but now he is on his branch, tail curled up (like if he was asleep), and eyes closed. He has a pretty good grip on the branch. I've never tried to wake him up before though - I don't know if he's a deep sleeper and if this is normal or if there is something wrong. Just some extra info - yesterday my mom decided to let him out and he had a big adventure, he got lost for about an hour and I found him way up at the top of my closet but he was fine, as soon as I held him near his vines he grabbed them and climbed right back in. And before you say anything, I KNOW a vet would be a better option but it is 9 pm and I need advice now. My teacher said not to worry because he's a deep sleeper and the same thing happened to him but that he bounced right back - but I'm not really sure about this. Please give me any advice you have - should I completely leave him alone until tomorrow and see if he wakes up as he usually does? Sorry for the length, I'm just worried.

**Added some photos, maybe you can see something that I can't see - he is inflated from me poking him and his color is his usual color when he is asleep. His black polka dots of stress went away.**

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, apparently male (not sure), unknown age but at least 6 months, I've had him 3 months, not sure how long previous owner had him
Handling - Almost never - he gets very stressed so I avoid it
Feeding - 5-10 small crickets daily in the mornings. They are fed flukes orange cubes
Supplements - Reptocal calcium
Watering - Use spray bottle a couple times a day. I do see him drinking.
Fecal Description - yellow uric acid (I know he's dehydrated)
History - Unfortunately I don't have any extra info from his previous owner

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Glass exo terra with 2 front doors, mesh top. About 17 inches high, a foot wide and a foot deep.
Lighting - exo terra repti glo 5.0 UVB - probably over due for a change. I keep it on from about 8 am to 9 pm but it's not always the same.
Temperature - Heating mat on side of glass - there is it about 80. Not sure about the rest of the habitat. Exo Terra thermometer
Humidity - usually around 50% - exo terra hydrometer
Plants - No - only fake vines and a fake orchid plant
Placement - On table, next to (but not in front of) window. About 6 feet away diagonally from air vent. Top of tank is 4 feet up from the ground.
Location - New Jersey


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Some chams can take a little bit to open their eyes after the lights go back on. Sounds like he was fine yesterday, so I would wait and see what happens tomorrow morning.
Some chams can take a little bit to open their eyes after the lights go back on. Sounds like he was fine yesterday, so I would wait and see what happens tomorrow morning.

I hope you're right, would you be able to look at the photos I just added and tell me if anything seems abnormal?
It looks to be male with the yellow bars on the side. I thinks his limbs look very thin. You should not be using a heating pad, but a basking light. What kind of uvb are you using and when was the last time it was changed out? They only last about 6 months or so. Even though they are shining does not mean they are still good as the uvb diminishes. He should not have his eyes closed during the day. That is not normal for chameleons as they do not sleep during the day or rest with their eyes closed. That is usually an indication of a problem.
Glad you're here now. I'm not an expert but that cham looks really dehydrated from the pictures. Do you have a dripper/mister?

What's your humidity?

What are your temps?

Can you fill out this form and post back?

You should probably start here: for care of your veiled chameleon. Read over the care sheet and do everything it says to ensure success =)

How are you able to tell that he's dehydrated? I know he is because of the yellow uric acid, but just wondering how to tell by looking at him. I don't have a dripper or mister, I just use a spray bottle for now until I can upgrade him to a bigger cage. I'll fill that out and post it back
I can't tell if male or female but I'd say male from the coloring as well. He looks thin and may have mbd, his limbs look a little bowed to me around the elbows and ankles. I'm not sure though so hopefully more will comment. I'd get a screen cage and a basking light when you can. Keep giving him plain calcium and water everyday and hopefully he will perk up. Also try to get him on a regular schedule (like lights on 8am, lights off 8pm). My cham will do what you described if I try to wake him up once he has gone to bed. If your chams lights are on he should be waking up fairly quick though. If you can I would take him to the vet some time for a checkup just to be sure he is healthy.
Get a couple of real plants in there,,,they really help with adding moisture!!!! A Ficus or a Pathos,,,real easy to keep alive!!!!!
Make yourself a dripper,,,,take a plastic cup,,,,and just poke a hole in the bottom with a sewing needle!!!!
I also read that the flukkers orange cubes arent really a good gutload,,,,I threw mine out and got cricket water and some Repashy Bug Burger as well as carrots, and yams!!!!!
Also get some calcium with d3 and use that twice a month,,,,as well as a vitamin supplement to use twice a month!!!!
Get a basking bulb over top of the cage,,,,he needs that to digest his food!!! Also change the UVB bulb and put them on a timer,,,,,one timer,,,one power bar controls both lights!!!!!!
Get rid of the heating pad!!!!
Read This
How are you able to tell that he's dehydrated? I know he is because of the yellow uric acid, but just wondering how to tell by looking at him. I don't have a dripper or mister, I just use a spray bottle for now until I can upgrade him to a bigger cage. I'll fill that out and post it back

The eyes look sunken in a bit as compared to a hydrated cham.


The eyes look like turrets that are connected "to" the skull instead of looking like they are recessed "in" it -- notice the "fold" of skin in the first picture near the eye. If the turrets are fully protruding that type of fold is not as noticeable, if present at all. At least not in my chams... an expert could provide further insight

Sunken eyes is a sign of dehydration
I can't tell if male or female but I'd say male from the coloring as well. He looks thin and may have mbd, his limbs look a little bowed to me around the elbows and ankles. I'm not sure though so hopefully more will comment. I'd get a screen cage and a basking light when you can. Keep giving him plain calcium and water everyday and hopefully he will perk up. Also try to get him on a regular schedule (like lights on 8am, lights off 8pm). My cham will do what you described if I try to wake him up once he has gone to bed. If your chams lights are on he should be waking up fairly quick though. If you can I would take him to the vet some time for a checkup just to be sure he is healthy.

no, I do not agree with the cham having MBD. The limbs bend at the elbow ike they should and are not curved.
your enclosure is WAY too small. Remove the heating pad. You should have a basking light for him. You basking temp should be around 85 degrees and your whole cage should be atleast 10 degrees less, mid 70's to low 70's. Please purchase a larger enclosure for your chameleon. He needs somethint with heighth and the preferred size is 48 X 24 X24 and all screen. He needs the uvb light like you have and purchase a dome fixture and use an ordinary white housebulb around a 60 watt to achieve a basking temp of about 85 degrees or so. He needs room to climb around. Vines, branches and plenty of plants. You cannot fit much in a tank that is one foot by one foot by one foot and one half high. That is is kinda cruel, sorry
Help !

I just had this happen to one of the 2 girls I have that are about 4m old. Her eyes would not open all the way (barly opened a slit) she was like that and lost a lot of weight over 5 days and finly passed today. :'(
I am new at owning them and have had them for about 2m... Have the screen cage, UV lamp and night time heat light (black). I powder the crickets I give them with reptile calcium supplement. I have a dripper, and mist them in the morning and afternoon. The humidity stays around 50-60% and the temp stays around 73-90 depending if its wake or sleep time.
My other little girl seems fine for now. I tore apart the cage and cleaned it extra good just in case. She has been in there about 1hr by herself and looks like one of her eyes may be getting a little like my other little girl who just passed, and looked like she is rubbing it on her branches as if it itches.
What could this be?
How do you treat it?
Getting really conserned! Help!
Ok, today her eye looks better, must have just had something in it or something. Going to keep and eye on her more then normal for at least a week to be 100% that she is ok.
What could it be that my other one got and passed from?
Thanks for the info and help in advance.
Ok, today her eye looks better, must have just had something in it or something. Going to keep and eye on her more then normal for at least a week to be 100% that she is ok.
What could it be that my other one got and passed from?
Thanks for the info and help in advance.

^^^ Help us help you! If you fill out that form and describe everything you can, it will help the friendly people here figure out what's going on. You should definitely take your cham to the vet though. Chams get sick fast, and usually don't show signs or symptoms until things progress to very serious situations.
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