Help-white sore around mouth

Welcome to the forum and to the world of chameleons!

I’m not a vet and only speak from experience, what I’ve learn and seen along the way in keeping chameleons for over 30 years.

In most cases of mouth rot, the bacteria involved is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa…and it’s not an easy one to get rid of. It’s very persistent.

That, coupled with the fact that chameleon pus is more like cottage cheese…thick… and needs to be cleaned out because it’s hard for the antibiotic to penetrate it and kill it off, adds to the problem of getting rid of the mouth rot.

Hopefully the vet you’re seeing knows enough about chameleons to solve the problems!
Welcome to the forum and to the world of chameleons!

I’m not a vet and only speak from experience, what I’ve learn and seen along the way in keeping chameleons for over 30 years.

In most cases of mouth rot, the bacteria involved is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa…and it’s not an easy one to get rid of. It’s very persistent.

That, coupled with the fact that chameleon pus is more like cottage cheese…thick… and needs to be cleaned out because it’s hard for the antibiotic to penetrate it and kill it off, adds to the problem of getting rid of the mouth rot.

Hopefully the vet you’re seeing knows enough about chameleons to solve the problems!
So he said it seems like it’s just surface level infection right now and a topical may work. Wanted me to come back in two weeks and if it got worse at all to come in right away and he may scrap it. He just didn't want to start there if there wasn't a need. Nothing is open wound right now.

I am more than open to feedback going and getting a second opinion if that would be the recommendation. The vet recommended on here is just an hour away so wanted to see what the more local one said first.
So he said it seems like it’s just surface level infection right now and a topical may work. Wanted me to come back in two weeks and if it got worse at all to come in right away and he may scrap it. He just didn't want to start there if there wasn't a need. Nothing is open wound right now.

I am more than open to feedback going and getting a second opinion if that would be the recommendation. The vet recommended on here is just an hour away so wanted to see what the more local one said first.
Can you share specifically what your Jackson's was prescribed? That might help others on here that are familiar with medications.
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