Help with buying new vieled


New Member
I'm buying a vieled from LLLReptiles and I was wondering, if I should get a sub-adult male. Then there is a medium vieled chameleon. I know it's captive born. But I don't know what gender or how old it is. I want a male vieled chameleon. So, sub-adult male or medium vieled chameleon?
You should look at chameleonsnorthwest. They have the best veileds. They are very nice people. They have a 10 day health agreement . You can't beat there prices.
celtics4lifee look at both. chameleonsnorthwest will e-mail pics of what they have. I had great experience with sandy at chameleonsnorthwest. i don't know if lllreptile will e-mail you pics of there stock.
I had looked into a male veiled from lllreptiles also. They told me they were wild caught, not captive bred. I passed.
If you are getting a sub-adult male, the LLL Reptiles site shows that their sub-adults are not captive born. Only their younger veileds are CB.
Captive bred chams from reputable sellers are always a better risk than wild caught, so I would go with Chameleons NW in this case.
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