Help with female panther egg laying?!??


New Member
Hi, I’m new to posting in here, but hoping to get some advice.
Our female panther was bred on April 17. She started displaying her gravid colors about 2 days after that. About 3 days ago, she started digging in her lay bin. She has been in and out since then, but never covered up her hole. My husband said today she seemed to cover it up, but now it looks like there’s another hole. I know they will dig multiple tunnels til they find one they like, but I’m worried about her becoming egg bound if she doesn’t lay soon. At the moment, she’s not near the lay bin at all, but there seems to still be a hole.. is there a chance she laid her eggs but didn’t cover it?? She’s still displaying her gravid colors also, will it change after she lays? Is there a for sure sign that we will see after she lays?
We’re giving her as much privacy as we can, but still trying to keep eyes on her to make sure everything is ok.
Any advice is welcome, thanks!

Btw- she’s in an XL reptibreeze, with correct lighting and basking.
Do you weigh her regular? How much weight has she lost? She probably still has eggs. Are you giving her complete privacy when she’s digging. If she sees you looking she could abandon her hole and become eggbound and die. Also she might not like her laying bin. The girls can be funny and if everything is not right she might not lay. Pictures of her, her laying bin and enclosure would be helpful. Here’s an excellent video about the laying bin and my blog on egg laying.
Do you weigh her regular? How much weight has she lost? She probably still has eggs. Are you giving her complete privacy when she’s digging. If she sees you looking she could abandon her hole and become eggbound and die. Also she might not like her laying bin. The girls can be funny and if everything is not right she might not lay. Pictures of her, her laying bin and enclosure would be helpful. Here’s an excellent video about the laying bin and my blog on egg laying.
I don’t have any pics of her lay bin atm, and we have black plastic taped to the front and sides of cage for privacy, I really don’t want to move it to get a pic. It’s 50/50 soil and play sand. We don’t weight her because she does NOT like to be handled. She bit my husband the last time 😳
The picture I attached is from about 9 days after the mating.


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**** UPDATE ****
after my husband made the last minute decision to make her a whole new HUGE lay bin last night, she laid 23 healthy eggs today! She is eating again, and drinking plenty.


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