Help With Vet Q&A Questions at Future SBCK Mtg

Dave Weldon

Avid Member
Howdy All,

Whether you are an SBCK participant or not, post chameleon questions that you think we might want to ask a true chameleon vet. Gary (Luckykarma) has been in touch with Dr. Stein, another of our favorite local chameleon vets, and he has tentatively volunteered to chat with us at the July or August SBCK meeting.

So here goes the first question:

What have you found to be the causes/cures for chameleon tongue dysfunction?

Now it's your turn :).
Howdy All,

Whether you are an SBCK participant or not, post chameleon questions that you think we might want to ask a true chameleon vet. Gary (Luckykarma) has been in touch with Dr. Stein, another of our favorite local chameleon vets, and he has tentatively volunteered to chat with us at the July or August SBCK meeting.

So here goes the first question:

What have you found to be the causes/cures for chameleon tongue dysfunction?

Now it's your turn :).

How about: Why does my chameleon have one of his/her eyes closed most of the day, but yet it will open both eyes when it is eating?
Do calcium or other injections truly assist an otherwise healthy female chameleon that is not laying eggs? If so, what medications are proven effective?
What UVB lights do you recommend and why? What suggested (forgot the measurement for UV) amount should chameleons get, for how long, and why?

If I keep my chameleon outside for UVB and don't have an inside UVB light, how long would you recommend I should keep him outside?

I've always wondered this, because, well, we live in Arizona.. lol. Sun all year long!
Great thread Dave, thank you.

My Chams have been outside for 2 months. When I bring them back inside, when should I start them on D3 again?

Will garlic harm or help my Chams if I use it in my gutload?

Is there a Medical kit you would keep at home specifically for Chams/reptiles and what would be in it?
Dr. Stein is confirmed for the July meeting. This isn't dueling vets. We're very lucky to have Dr. Stein come to us. Not only that he has generously donated a raffle prize that includes a office visit, fecal AND blood work.

Dr. Stein has been treating Chameleons since 1988 and has written sections of the reptile medical reference books.

Please post your questions as we can help members beyond our club.

BTW, he's generously offered 20% off a office visit for anyone buying animals at the shows. He'll be at the Anaheim show this year as well.
Gary, you coming to the SD Expo? What day?
I'm glad I will finally able to meet Dr. Stein this time. :)
For the questions:

  1. Essentially, when my chameleon is diagnosed with an RI, do I want to ADD humidity to help the phlegms loose; or, do I want to decrease humidity avoiding bacterial growth (both seems to be logical step to do. Which one is a misconception)?
  2. During the time when chameleon is in critical condition, what tips you can provide us when dealing with force feeding and force medication?
  3. What is your recommended formula for force feeding and the method you use to lessened the impact of stress?
  4. Essentially aside from impaction for obvious reason, what other causes of prolapse? what can we do as preventative method for avoiding this kind of problem?
  5. what is your opinion in using alternative herbal medication to treat chameleons for parasite infestation (such as garlic powder, cloves, mustard seeds,etc)?
  6. when it is absolutely deemed necessary for the chameleon to be euthanized to no longer prolong its sufferings.. what method do you feel as a vet is humane? and why?
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Frans. Be there tomorrow when they open. You going?

Yes, its good to have Dr. Stein show his face. Like Dr. Greek he's very special. I really like how progressive he is. On the word of the SBCK members he's the first one who prescribed Ponazuril instead of Albon. So my Cham got to be patient zero. :)

He does a LOT of continuing education and talks about things I never heard anywhere else like how Chams recycle meds so tanking them up consecutive days may be overdosing. Once we wind him up I think we'll get some very detailed knowledge. Dr. Greek gave us general care tips and hopefully we can get Dr. Stein to cover more in depth metabolic topics.

I learned during the last visit that Chams don't breath continuously like mammals. They breath and wait then breath again. He demonstrated with one of my chams. So no esoteric question is too complex.
DNA Mapping...

With the ongoing issues of the locality and questionable parentage, I wonder if it is possible to do DNA mapping of chameleons, specifically the locales of the Furcifer Paradalis. What would it entail to have something similar like the AKC that have a database of all the pure dog breeds?

I would think something like this would be inevitable given that one of the biggest issues in the chameleon world is trying to ‘keep it pure’. The only thing I can foresee is the cost of getting a collective database together. But the benefits would out weigh the cost. Once the mapping has been done for each locale, a simple swab of the mouth of a questionable chameleon would answer the question whether or not it's a pure or a cross.
Howdy All,

Keep those questions coming...:).

Is there any medical info on why chameleons with a declining health issue often go through stages where they close one eye and then some amount of time later, close both eyes which is then often followed by death if left untreated. Why the eye closure sequence?
In addition to being checked for paracites, I was told by a chameleon breeder his chameleons were vaccinated. Are their any know vaccinations for chameleons/reptiles?
HA HA HA DJ you cant let that go can you?! thats hilarious!

For starters, I am genuinely curious if there are any vaccinations. Second, I'm irritated by some vendors trying to push their chameleons over others by saying things I would consider suspect. Third, if there are people out there saying things not correct in order to sell chameleons, I want others to know about it.

If there are vaccinations, that's good to know information. If there aren't, it is equally good to know when someone tells you their chameleons are vaccinated. It's not a big deal, like R. J. said, he may have misspoke. On the other hand, he may be uniformed, or just trying to be a salesman and spin his product.

But, you're right, I'm not letting it go quite yet. :D I'm not known for being reserved...
For starters, I am genuinely curious if there are any vaccinations. Second, I'm irritated by some vendors trying to push their chameleons over others by saying things I would consider suspect. Third, if there are people out there saying things not correct in order to sell chameleons, I want others to know about it.

If there are vaccinations, that's good to know information. If there aren't, it is equally good to know when someone tells you their chameleons are vaccinated. It's not a big deal, like R. J. said, he may have misspoke. On the other hand, he may be uniformed, or just trying to be a salesman and spin his product.

But, you're right, I'm not letting it go quite yet. :D I'm not known for being reserved...

I will say this, no such thing as being vaccinated from parasites because vaccintation is when you get a small protion of something put in you, your body kills it and becomes immune to it. Parasites live by feeding off their host, so the body doesnt kill it, therefore no such thing as being vaccinated for parasites. Btw i do agree with you, hopefully it was miswording, but i would have a word or two with the people if i found out they are pushing their product on lies!
I will say this, no such thing as being vaccinated from parasites because vaccintation is when you get a small protion of something put in you, your body kills it and becomes immune to it. Parasites live by feeding off their host, so the body doesnt kill it, therefore no such thing as being vaccinated for parasites. Btw i do agree with you, hopefully it was miswording, but i would have a word or two with the people if i found out they are pushing their product on lies!

AH! You see what I mean. :D
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