New Member
I’m a new chameleon owner. I’ve had a veiled chameleon sice this past spring, he’s about a year old, and he was doing well till a couple weeks ago. Half of his face is yellow and brown and bumpy and his one eye is droopy but the other side of his face is fine. He's been refusing to drink for the past couple days but will eat when I offer him crickets. We can’t always have crickets so we fed him grasshoppers for about two weeks but he stopped eating them for a while so we gave him crickets again. The grasshoppers were from our backyard but there aren’t any signs of parasites on him. Over this past weekend I fed him som lettuce dipped in water for hydration, and he seemed to like it. We don’t have an automatic mister so we mist him a couple times a day. He doesn’t drink of the leaves when we mist them but he drinks water droplets off the cage if you squirt it at an angle. We also have a waterfall simulator that we got for him two weeks ago to drink out of but he hasn’t used it yet.