

New Member
Hi if anyone can help will be great ive just brought a yemon chameleon 4 days ago shes very small ive bin told just over ten weeks old however she hasent ate anything and doesant she also seems so scared and warey once i finely get her to come on to my finger shes fine.
She could be adjusting to her new enclosure/surroundings, give her some time and just keep offering food, maybe some meal worms/wax worms or something in a small feeder dish that you can leave in there..
Does she drink? If she drinks you might be able to get her to drink some peach baby food from an eye dropper to perk her up enough to eat some crickets.
The first few months of life are the mot crucial! Definitely give her some time to settle in before handling. Offer her many places where she can hide and feel safe. Once she feels comfortable, she will eat if there are no other existing problems. :)

I would probably stick to just the small crickets (no larger in length than how wide her mouth is) to get her attention! :)
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