
Sleepy Lizard.
Good luck, and don't regret the rescue. I have a veiled jeuvenile and he is not fond of me, I am working on it though by hand feeding and neing present near him without trying to handle him. I tried to pick him up the other day and he was clearly stressed. I'll wait a another few months before I try again. I cretainly understand the anxiety of being bitten, just remember that scene from Dune where he had to put his hand in the mystery box LOL
Good luck, and don't regret the rescue. I have a veiled jeuvenile and he is not fond of me, I am working on it though by hand feeding and neing present near him without trying to handle him. I tried to pick him up the other day and he was clearly stressed. I'll wait a another few months before I try again. I cretainly understand the anxiety of being bitten, just remember that scene from Dune where he had to put his hand in the mystery box LOL

I'm preparered to be patient with him. He's not scared of my hand he just does NOT want me moving him.
Thank you.
It might be that when he was free he realized that he wasn't in his own territory but is now looking at the cage as his territory so he's reacting to you???
Im pretty sure wild, captive bred , or fresh out of the womb they will recognize a cricket (depending on the size ) as a possible prey item. who knows very well could be wild or released at a much earlier day for as much as anyone knows.
My veiled wont let me handle her right after she has eaten. I have to give her a hour before she will let me get her out of her enclosure.
You just have to b brave my veil hisses at me when he's in his territory his cage because he's defending it and he's probably scared but when I get him out he turns into the sweetest lizard ever sometimes what works to get him out is to put a stick behind him and a stick in front of him nudge him onto the one stick pull the stick out of the cage and then if you and the Cham are comfortable with it slide him onto your hand real slow
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