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I need some help. Occasionally I will hear my veiled make a noise,I'm not sure how to explain it, It sounds like a cat hissing mixed with a sigh. However,her mouth is closed. Im very worried that this could be an early sign of a URI,but I really don't know. I'm new to this,I've only had my sweet Eden for about a month and a half,she's about 7 & 1/2 months old. Other than that noise,everything seems great. I just really need some help or advice on what this may be and how to treat it,or if I'm just worrying about nothing(which I tend to do a lot when it comes to my baby.)
i had this happen to me and he still does it its just her/him shooting a quick burst of air out there nose does he/she do it when ur holding him or does it do it in the cage also when ur not even near him/her??
She does it while in her tank(when I'm only close enough to hear it) also,but not as much. Is it something severe or just something they do for unknown reasons? Thank you for the reply,by the way!
Thats the main thing im so concerned about... And its not actually a "tank", i just always end up calling it that. Its a terrarium which was recomended from a pet store clerk. Also, when i purchased her, she was in one just like it, but it sat a little taller.
Hi welcome to the forum. This is a great place to learn. Can you tell us if her home is made of glass, wood or screen? Or a mixture of glass and screen?
They do kind of make a huffing noise- mine do it if I move too fast close to their cage. It is a quick exhale through the nose and is normal. Is that what you are hearing?
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