

New Member
So I am currently on a trip in Tennessee to see family, and I brought along my blur bar ambilobe. I've had him since last June and he's been eating fine and everything. All of a sudden when I got to my family's house and we settled down, he's stopped eating. Idk what to down because we still have 4 days to get him back home. Also, how do I get him hooked of crickets and on to other things like dubias?
I'm sure the trip to Tennessee was stressful for him so I don't think it's too unusual that he's stopped eating. Hopefully once he settles in after a day or two he'll start eating again.
Ditto, what caietaro says. Moving is always hard on a chameleon. He's probably a bit out of routine at the new place. A few days without food is nothing to worry about so long as he is drinking water and staying hydrated. Try not to stress too much. I'm sure once you get back home, everything will settle back into normalcy.

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