Chameleon Enthusiast
Yes I know this. That's fine. Probes are a waste of money IMO. They aren't as accurate as the gun, they have to be all over your cage(ruins the natural appeal), you then have to buy 4 you said? With a temp gun, you can simply point and read. You shouldn't have to check each temp daily really. Just when the weather outside is changing frequently or dramatically. I've had consistent temps of 71 at the bottom and 85 basking for a week now on a cage for example. They allow you to see if you're creating a gradient below the basking site much easier. Also with the gun, you can search all over the branch and find a "hotspot". Have you tried a gun? Next time you do, wave it real slow over the branch. You might find a consistent temp of 83, and then find a real small spot of 85 on a certain spot. I do it this way. It's more accurate. With the probe you're reading the air temps, with a gun you're reading surface temps. I like this method and prefer it.
There are no guessing games. They're just as or more accurate than a probe is. Unless you tried one, you can't knock it.
I just told you why its a guessing game. And you even said it yourself.
You are measuring the temp of the branch right? Well your chameleon is 2 or 3 or 4 inches above that branch. The temperature of the light your chameleon is actually sitting in is much much higher than the branch. A light will produce a much different temp at 4 inches then it does at 6. While your branch is at 6 inches your cham is at 4 or 3
On top of that issue, there is also the way a temp gun works to contend with. A temp gun sends out a cone, from this IR cone, Heat readings are sent back to the gun.
If the cone is larger then the branch, the gun will read the temp of the branch, it will also read the temp of everything else in the cone, it will then shoot back an average of all those temps. You say it changes by 2f that could be why.
A Temp gun is not more accurate, in anyway it never is (I use them a lot in my other hobby as well, Extreme PC overclocking). The reason is what I have just told you, in the case of chams they are higher than the branch. In the case of other things the cone averaging becomes an issue.
Now you say that a digital thermometer probe is in accurate as it reads the air. However a thermometers probe is not immune to surface temp. So if the probe is in the beam of light, it will be as hot as the chameleon is that is sitting near it. It will give the same reading.
If you have your thermometer in the spot like I suggested and then measure the branch, the temp that will be correct is the temp probe. Temp guns are inaccurate, not probes.
All that said temp guns do server a good use, Measuring the temperature of your cham, I also bet if you do that when he is on that branch, he will be a lot hotter than 85. Temp guns like I told her can be used and give you a good reading.
However to do so you need to A. figure out your cone, and B. Have a temporary second branch raise the branch ect get a reading of where your cham will actually be, then remember that difference in temp. I dont understand how you cannot grasp the closer to the bulb you are the hotter it is? Your cham is not flat with the branch, so it is not getting 85f, likely more like 90.