ok so first of all- receptive or gravid?

2. When do you think she will lay?

3. How do you tell if she is egg Bound?

That looks like gravid colors.

There's no way to know for sure when she will lay just be prepared with the laying bin at all times. How ever an x-ray will tell you for sure if she has eggs and if the eggs are round then she still has a little ways to go. If the eggs are oval then she's about ready.

When egg bound she stops eating for more than a few days. If she looks weak and kind of just laying on the branch instead of holding her head up. Also closing the eyes during the day is a sign there's a problem. If you wait to long to take her to the vet after she starts getting weak she'll have a much slimmer chance at surviving surgery. Also once that past a certain point of needing to lay it's to late to try the oxytocin.
Why are you so concerned about her being gravid? Is your chameleon not behaving normally? Take a picture of her entire habitat please!
I had to use flash BC her lights aren't on yet:) were upgrading her to a bigger size, full screen, after she lays this clutch so she's not stressed out(y)
This is my girl now, she is roaming ALLLL over her cage non stop, and shes restless, for a 2x2x4 ft cage shes traveling alot. Shes also got a attitude now and acts scared around me and hisses at me which she never does. I already have a laying bin in there and she ususally goes down to it but just walks on top then keeps on walking back up her cage, she has a route she paces to, like a circuit track. Im tempted to get xrays but i have everything in her cage that she needs to lay. I just have to hope she does and doesn't have any issues.


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View attachment 165185 I had to use flash BC her lights aren't on yet:) were upgrading her to a bigger size, full screen, after she lays this clutch so she's not stressed out(y)

How deep is her sand? From the picture it looks shallow and not deep enough for her to dig a tunnel but pictures can be deceiving. I would take out the water dish, you already know my thoughts on the water dish from another post of yours;):p(I don't like them because they are too susceptible to bacteria growth). But if you take it out it would give her more area to choose from to dig.
Where is the laying bin in there? I see plants, and what looks like sand everywhere...
Sorry if I am missing something.
How deep is her sand? From the picture it looks shallow and not deep enough for her to dig a tunnel but pictures can be deceiving. I would take out the water dish, you already know my thoughts on the water dish from another post of yours;):p(I don't like them because they are too susceptible to bacteria growth). But if you take it out it would give her more area to choose from to dig.
I have like almost a hill so she can choose how deep she wants to go. It's about 8-10 inches deep on the deepest part. Yes taking the dish out for sure :D
This is my girl now, she is roaming ALLLL over her cage non stop, and shes restless, for a 2x2x4 ft cage shes traveling alot. Shes also got a attitude now and acts scared around me and hisses at me which she never does. I already have a laying bin in there and she ususally goes down to it but just walks on top then keeps on walking back up her cage, she has a route she paces to, like a circuit track. Im tempted to get xrays but i have everything in her cage that she needs to lay. I just have to hope she does and doesn't have any issues.

I see the blue dots called robin eggs on her today. They can be a sign of being receptive. When they are receptive they roam all over the place too. Have you seen this video?
I agree w Jannb. She doesnt look that big mine didnt change color much for gravid . Only receptive or angry?. I have experience w complications from eggs. You have lots of great opinions and advice already so I wont be redundant. I will say, get your laying area going now and dont fool around w it. Get it in place, get the dirt/sand/water ratios right and get it covered, private and ready for her and leave it alone. She will go down there when she is ready and no sooner. Dont watch her. She can feel you waiting.
When their colors become very bright and vivid an they roam ALL over the cage they are receptive it may be a 2-3 weeks later they start to lay if you see her clawing or trying to dig at the bottom of cage she is ready to lay I usally try to get a laying bin as soon as she is receptive just to be safe but in my experience she won't touch it til a week or so later
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