New Member
I woke up this morning and my chameleon was hiding at the bottom of the cage. I have some moss sitting on the bottom and she is currently tucked under the moss. Her colors are dark with black virtical stripes along her body. She may be trying to lay eggs, but i have a place for her to, but maybe she just wanteed to lay there. Is that sound common? Or does this sound more like she is sick, should i give her a emergancey shower please help, if she is laying eggs i dont want to bother her anymore. Please any suggestions.
Female Nosy Be Panther
Temp. 90-70F
Humidity: 60%
Cage:five feet tall X 2.5 feet wide and deep
Diet mainly on crickets, about three a day
Showered about 1-2 times a week
Female Nosy Be Panther
Temp. 90-70F
Humidity: 60%
Cage:five feet tall X 2.5 feet wide and deep
Diet mainly on crickets, about three a day
Showered about 1-2 times a week